Previously, when this was used as a flake, the src/content/wiki directory
was as empty folder. This meant that the nix script would move the
content in, keeping the source folder name intact
By moving the content of the folder, we can mitigate this issue no matter
whether the folder was pre-existing
We've used snowfall here to simplify writing our flake, as well as to
make it use a similar structure to auxolotl/website
BREAKING-CHANGE: This replaces bun with nodejs, as buildNpmPackage cannot take a bun.lockb
We're basing this off the
section of the astro docs, as well as some other remark information. We
have disabled XSS protection early in the rendering pipeline due to a
later sanitization step. This is mentioned on the remark docs and we have
tested it with some basic XSS examples
We're setting this up as an astro+bun project, and we're using a flake
to let us install bun with direnv.
We also added .gitmodules to pull in our wiki content