#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python3Packages.requests python3Packages.click python3Packages.click-log python3Packages.elasticsearch python3Packages.boto3 python3Packages.tqdm # develop: # $ nix-shell -p python3Packages.black python3Packages.mypy python3Packages.flake8 # # format: # $ nix-shell -p python3Packages.black --command "black import-channel" # # lint: # $ nix-shell -p python3Packages.flake8 --command "flake8 --ignore E501,E265 import-channel" import boto3 import click import logging import click_log import elasticsearch import elasticsearch.helpers import requests import json import os.path import shlex import subprocess import tqdm import botocore.client import botocore logger = logging.getLogger("import-channel") click_log.basic_config(logger) CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION = 3 ANALYSIS = { "analyzer": { "nixAttrName": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "nix_attrname", "filter": ["lowercase", "nix_stopwords"], }, "nixOptionName": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "nix_option_name", "filter": ["lowercase"], }, "nixOptionNameGranular": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "nix_option_name_granular", "filter": ["lowercase"], }, }, "tokenizer": { "nix_attrname": { "type": "pattern", # Split on attrname separators like _, . "pattern": "|".join( [ "[_.-]", # Common separators like underscores, dots and dashes "\\d+?Packages", # python37Packages -> python # Camelcase tokenizer adapted from # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-pattern-analyzer.html "".join( [ "(?<=[\\p{L}&&[^\\p{Lu}]])" # lower case "(?=\\p{Lu})", # followed by upper case "|", "(?<=\\p{Lu})" # or upper case "(?=\\p{Lu}[\\p{L}&&[^\\p{Lu}]])", # followed by lower case ] ), ] ), }, "nix_option_name": { "type": "pattern", "pattern": "[.]", }, # Lower priority (virtualHost -> [virtual, host]) "nix_option_name_granular": { "type": "pattern", # Split on attrname separators like _, . "pattern": "|".join( [ "[_.-]", # Common separators like underscores, dots and dashes # Camelcase tokenizer adapted from # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-pattern-analyzer.html "".join( [ "(?<=[\\p{L}&&[^\\p{Lu}]])" # lower case "(?=\\p{Lu})", # followed by upper case "|", "(?<=\\p{Lu})" # or upper case "(?=\\p{Lu}[\\p{L}&&[^\\p{Lu}]])", # followed by lower case ] ), ] ), }, }, "filter": { "nix_stopwords": { "type": "stop", "ignore_case": True, "stopwords": ["packages", "package", "options", "option"], }, }, } MAPPING = { "properties": { "type": {"type": "keyword"}, # Package fields "package_hydra_build_id": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_hydra_build_status": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_hydra_project": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_hydra_job": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_hydra_jobset": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_hydra_path": { "type": "nested", "properties": { "output": {"type": "keyword"}, "path": {"type": "keyword"} } }, "package_hydra_drvpath": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_attr_name": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "nixAttrName", "fields": {"raw": {"type": "keyword"}}, }, "package_attr_set": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_pname": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_pversion": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_description": {"type": "text"}, "package_longDescription": {"type": "text"}, "package_license": { "type": "nested", "properties": {"fullName": {"type": "text"}, "url": {"type": "text"}}, }, "package_maintainers": { "type": "nested", "properties": { "name": {"type": "text"}, "email": {"type": "text"}, "github": {"type": "text"}, }, }, "package_platforms": {"type": "keyword"}, "package_position": {"type": "text"}, "package_homepage": {"type": "keyword"}, # Options fields "option_name": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "nixOptionName", "fielddata": True, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "keyword" }, "granular": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "nixOptionNameGranular", }, }, }, "option_description": {"type": "text"}, "option_type": {"type": "keyword"}, "option_default": {"type": "text"}, "option_example": {"type": "text"}, "option_source": {"type": "keyword"}, }, } def get_last_evaluation(channel): logger.debug(f"Retriving last evaluation for {channel} channel") project, project_version = channel.split("-", 1) logger.debug(f"get_last_evaluation: project='{project}'") logger.debug(f"get_last_evaluation: project_version='{project_version}'") bucket = "nix-releases" prefix = f"{project}/{project_version}/" logger.debug( f"get_last_evaluation: list all evaluation in '{bucket}' bucker under '{prefix}' prefix" ) s3 = boto3.client( "s3", config=botocore.client.Config(signature_version=botocore.UNSIGNED) ) s3_result = s3.list_objects(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter="/",) evaluations = [] for item in s3_result.get("CommonPrefixes"): if not item: continue logger.debug(f"get_last_evaluation: evaluation in raw {item}") prefix = item.get("Prefix") evaluation = prefix[len(f"{project}/{project_version}/{channel}") :] if evaluation.startswith("beta"): evaluation = evaluation[len("beta") :] try: revisions_since_start, git_revision = ( evaluation.lstrip(".").rstrip("/").split(".") ) except Exception as e: # noqa continue evaluation = { "revisions_since_start": int(revisions_since_start), "git_revision": git_revision, "prefix": prefix, } logger.debug(f"get_last_evaluation: evaluation {evaluation}") evaluations.append(evaluation) logger.debug( f"get_last_evaluation: {len(evaluations)} evaluations found for {channel} channel" ) evaluations = sorted(evaluations, key=lambda i: i["revisions_since_start"]) evaluation = evaluations[-1] result = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=f"{evaluation['prefix']}src-url") evaluation['id'] = result.get("Body").read().decode()[len("https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/"):] logger.debug(f"get_last_evaluation: last evaluation is: {evaluation}") return evaluation def get_evaluation_builds(evaluation_id): logger.debug(f"get_evaluation_builds: Retriving list of builds for {evaluation_id} evaluation id") filename = f"eval-{evaluation_id}.json" if not os.path.exists(filename): url = f"https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/{evaluation_id}/builds" logger.debug(f"get_evaluation_builds: Fetching builds from {url} url.") headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True) with tqdm.tqdm.wrapattr( open(filename, "wb"), "write", miniters=1, total=int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0)), desc=filename ) as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): f.write(chunk) with open(filename) as f: builds = json.loads(f.read()) return { f"{build['nixname']}.{build['system']}": build for build in builds } def get_packages(evaluation, evaluation_builds): logger.debug( f"get_packages: Retriving list of packages for '{evaluation['git_revision']}' revision" ) result = subprocess.run( shlex.split( f"nix-env -f '' -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/{evaluation['git_revision']}.tar.gz --arg config 'import {CURRENT_DIR}/packages-config.nix' -qa --json" ), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, ) packages = json.loads(result.stdout).items() packages = list(packages) def gen(): for attr_name, data in packages: position = data["meta"].get("position") if position and position.startswith("/nix/store"): position = position[44:] licenses = data["meta"].get("license") if licenses: if type(licenses) == str: licenses = [dict(fullName=licenses)] elif type(licenses) == dict: licenses = [licenses] licenses = [ type(license) == str and dict(fullName=license, url=None) or dict(fullName=license.get("fullName"), url=license.get("url"),) for license in licenses ] else: licenses = [] maintainers = [ type(maintainer) == str and dict(name=maintainer, email=None, github=None) or dict( name=maintainer.get("name"), email=maintainer.get("email"), github=maintainer.get("github"), ) for maintainer in data["meta"].get("maintainers", []) ] platforms = [ type(platform) == str and platform or None for platform in data["meta"].get("platforms", []) ] attr_set = None if "." in attr_name: attr_set = attr_name.split(".")[0] if not attr_set.endswith("Packages") and not attr_set.endswith( "Plugins" ): attr_set = None hydra_build_id = None hydra_build_status = None hydra_job = None hydra_jobset = None hydra_path = None hydra_drvpath = None build_key = f"{data['name']}.{data['system']}" if build_key in evaluation_builds: build = evaluation_builds[build_key] hydra_build_id = build['id'] hydra_build_status = build['buildstatus'] hydra_project = build['project'] hydra_job = build['job'] hydra_jobset = build['jobset'] hydra_path = [ { "output": output, "path": item['path'], } for output, item in build['buildoutputs'].items() ] hydra_drvpath = build['drvpath'] yield dict( type="package", package_hydra_build_id=hydra_build_id, package_hydra_build_status=hydra_build_status, package_hydra_project=hydra_project, package_hydra_job=hydra_job, package_hydra_jobset=hydra_jobset, package_hydra_path=hydra_path, package_hydra_drvpath=hydra_drvpath, package_attr_name=attr_name, package_attr_set=attr_set, package_pname=data["pname"], package_pversion=data["version"], package_description=data["meta"].get("description"), package_longDescription=data["meta"].get("longDescription", ""), package_license=licenses, package_maintainers=maintainers, package_platforms=[i for i in platforms if i], package_position=position, package_homepage=data["meta"].get("homepage"), ) logger.debug(f"get_packages: Found {len(packages)} packages") return len(packages), gen def get_options(evaluation): result = subprocess.run( shlex.split( f"nix-build --no-out-link -A options -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/{evaluation['git_revision']}.tar.gz" ), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, ) options = [] options_file = result.stdout.strip().decode() options_file = f"{options_file}/share/doc/nixos/options.json" if os.path.exists(options_file): with open(options_file) as f: options = json.load(f).items() options = list(options) def gen(): for name, option in options: example = option.get("example") if ( example and type(example) == dict and example.get("_type") == "literalExample" ): example = str(example["text"]) yield dict( type="option", option_name=name, option_description=option.get("description"), option_type=option.get("type"), option_default=str(option.get("default")), option_example=str(example), option_source=option.get("declarations", [None])[0], ) return len(options), gen def ensure_index(es, index, mapping): if es.indices.exists(index): logger.debug(f"ensure_index: index '{index}' already exists") return False es.indices.create( index=index, body={ "settings": {"number_of_shards": 1, "analysis": ANALYSIS}, "mappings": mapping, }, ) logger.debug(f"ensure_index: index '{index}' was created") return True def create_index_name(channel, evaluation): return ( f"latest-{INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION}-{channel}", f"evaluation-{INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION}-{channel}-{evaluation['id']}-{evaluation['revisions_since_start']}-{evaluation['git_revision']}", ) def update_alias(es, name, index): if es.indices.exists_alias(name=name): indexes = set(es.indices.get_alias(name=name).keys()) # indexes to remove from alias actions = [ {"remove": {"index": item, "alias": name}} for item in indexes.difference(set([index])) ] # add index if does not exists in alias if index not in indexes: actions.append({"add": {"index": index, "alias": name}}) if actions: es.indices.update_aliases({"actions": actions}) else: es.indices.put_alias(index=index, name=name) indexes = ", ".join(es.indices.get_alias(name=name).keys()) logger.debug(f"'{name}' alias now points to '{indexes}' index") def write(unit, es, index_name, number_of_items, item_generator): if number_of_items: click.echo(f"Indexing {unit}...") progress = tqdm.tqdm(unit=unit, total=number_of_items) successes = 0 for ok, action in elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk( client=es, index=index_name, actions=item_generator() ): progress.update(1) successes += ok click.echo(f"Indexed {successes}/{number_of_items} {unit}") @click.command() @click.option("-u", "--es-url", help="Elasticsearch connection url") @click.option("-c", "--channel", help="NixOS channel name") @click.option("-v", "--verbose", count=True) def main(es_url, channel, verbose): logging_level = "CRITICAL" if verbose == 1: logging_level = "WARNING" elif verbose >= 2: logging_level = "DEBUG" logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, logging_level)) logger.debug(f"Verbosity is {verbose}") logger.debug(f"Logging set to {logging_level}") evaluation = get_last_evaluation(channel) evaluation_builds = get_evaluation_builds(evaluation['id']) es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([es_url]) # ensure indexes exist alias_name, index_name = create_index_name(channel, evaluation) index_created = ensure_index(es, index_name, MAPPING) if index_created: write("packages", es, index_name, *get_packages(evaluation, evaluation_builds)) write("options", es, index_name, *get_options(evaluation)) update_alias(es, alias_name, index_name) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # vi:ft=python