use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use commands::run_gc; use flake_info::commands::NixCheckError; use flake_info::data::import::{Kind, NixOption}; use flake_info::data::{self, Export, Nixpkgs, Source}; use flake_info::elastic::{ElasticsearchError, ExistsStrategy}; use flake_info::{commands, elastic}; use log::{debug, error, info, warn}; use semver::VersionReq; use sha2::Digest; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::ptr::hash; use std::{fs, io}; use structopt::{clap::ArgGroup, StructOpt}; use thiserror::Error; use tokio::fs::File; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt( name = "flake-info", about = "Extracts various information from a given flake", group = ArgGroup::with_name("sources").required(false) )] struct Args { #[structopt(subcommand)] command: Command, #[structopt( short, long, help = "Kind of data to extract", possible_values = &data::import::Kind::variants(), case_insensitive = true, default_value )] kind: data::import::Kind, #[structopt(flatten)] elastic: ElasticOpts, #[structopt(help = "Extra arguments that are passed to nix as it")] extra: Vec, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] enum Command { #[structopt(about = "Import a flake")] Flake { #[structopt(help = "Flake identifier passed to nix to gather information about")] flake: String, #[structopt( long, help = "Whether to use a temporary store or not. Located at /tmp/flake-info-store" )] temp_store: bool, #[structopt(long, help = "Whether to gc the store after info or not")] gc: bool, }, #[structopt(about = "Import official nixpkgs channel")] Nixpkgs { #[structopt(help = "Nixpkgs channel to import")] channel: String, }, #[structopt(about = "Import nixpkgs channel from archive or local git path")] NixpkgsArchive { #[structopt(help = "Nixpkgs archive to import")] source: String, #[structopt( help = "Which channel to assign nixpkgs to", default_value = "unstable" )] channel: String, }, #[structopt(about = "Load and import a group of flakes from a file")] Group { #[structopt( help = "Points to a TOML or JSON file containing info targets. If file does not end in 'toml' json is assumed" )] targets: PathBuf, name: String, #[structopt( long, help = "Whether to use a temporary store or not. Located at /tmp/flake-info-store" )] temp_store: bool, #[structopt(long, help = "Whether to gc the store after info or not")] gc: bool, #[structopt(long, help = "Whether write an error report about failed packages")] report: bool, }, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] struct ElasticOpts { #[structopt(long = "json", help = "Print ElasticSeach Compatible JSON output")] json: bool, #[structopt( long = "push", help = "Push to Elasticsearch (Configure using FI_ES_* environment variables)", requires("elastic-schema-version") )] enable: bool, #[structopt( long, short = "u", env = "FI_ES_USER", help = "Elasticsearch username (unimplemented)" )] elastic_user: Option, #[structopt( long, short = "p", env = "FI_ES_PASSWORD", help = "Elasticsearch password (unimplemented)" )] elastic_pw: Option, #[structopt( long, env = "FI_ES_URL", default_value = "http://localhost:9200", help = "Elasticsearch instance url" )] elastic_url: String, #[structopt( long, help = "Name of the index to store results to", env = "FI_ES_INDEX", required_if("enable", "true") )] elastic_index_name: Option, #[structopt( long, help = "How to react to existing indices", possible_values = &ExistsStrategy::variants(), case_insensitive = true, default_value = "abort", env = "FI_ES_EXISTS_STRATEGY" )] elastic_exists: ExistsStrategy, #[structopt( long, help = "Which schema version to associate with the operation", env = "FI_ES_VERSION" )] elastic_schema_version: Option, #[structopt( long, help = "Whether to disable `latest` alias creation", env = "FI_ES_VERSION" )] no_alias: bool, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { env_logger::init(); let args = Args::from_args(); let command_result = run_command(args.command, args.kind, &args.extra).await; if let Err(error) = command_result { return Err(error.into()); } let (successes, ident) = command_result.unwrap(); if args.elastic.enable { push_to_elastic(&args.elastic, &successes, ident).await?; } if args.elastic.json { println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&successes)?); } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Error)] enum FlakeInfoError { #[error("Nix check failed: {0}")] NixCheck(#[from] NixCheckError), #[error("Getting flake info caused an error: {0:?}")] Flake(anyhow::Error), #[error("Getting nixpkgs info caused an error: {0:?}")] Nixpkgs(anyhow::Error), #[error("Some members of the group '{0}' could not be processed: \n {}", .1.iter().enumerate().map(|(n, e)| format!("{}: {:?}", n+1, e)).collect::>().join("\n\n"))] Group(String, Vec), #[error("Couldn't perform IO: {0}")] IO(#[from] io::Error), } async fn run_command( command: Command, kind: Kind, extra: &[String], ) -> Result<(Vec, (String, String, String)), FlakeInfoError> { flake_info::commands::check_nix_version(env!("MIN_NIX_VERSION"))?; match command { Command::Flake { flake, temp_store, gc, } => { let source = Source::Git { url: flake }; let exports = flake_info::process_flake(&source, &kind, temp_store, extra) .map_err(FlakeInfoError::Flake)?; let info = flake_info::get_flake_info(source.to_flake_ref(), temp_store, extra) .map_err(FlakeInfoError::Flake)?; let ident = ( "flake".to_owned(),, info.revision.unwrap_or("latest".into()), ); Ok((exports, ident)) } Command::Nixpkgs { channel } => { let nixpkgs = Source::nixpkgs(channel) .await .map_err(FlakeInfoError::Nixpkgs)?; let ident = ( "nixos".to_owned(),, nixpkgs.git_ref.to_owned(), ); let exports = flake_info::process_nixpkgs(&Source::Nixpkgs(nixpkgs), &kind) .map_err(FlakeInfoError::Nixpkgs)?; Ok((exports, ident)) } Command::NixpkgsArchive { source, channel } => { let ident = ( "nixos".to_string(), channel.to_owned(), "latest".to_string(), ); let exports = flake_info::process_nixpkgs(&Source::Git { url: source }, &kind) .map_err(FlakeInfoError::Nixpkgs)?; Ok((exports, ident)) } Command::Group { targets, temp_store, gc, name, report, } => { // if reporting is enabled delete old report if report && tokio::fs::metadata("report.txt").await.is_ok() { tokio::fs::remove_file("report.txt").await?; } let sources = Source::read_sources_file(&targets)?; let (exports_and_hashes, errors) = sources .iter() .map(|source| match source { Source::Nixpkgs(nixpkgs) => flake_info::process_nixpkgs(source, &kind) .map(|result| (result, nixpkgs.git_ref.to_owned())), _ => flake_info::process_flake(source, &kind, temp_store, &extra).and_then( |result| { flake_info::get_flake_info(source.to_flake_ref(), temp_store, extra) .map(|info| (result, info.revision.unwrap_or("latest".into()))) }, ), }) .partition::, _>(Result::is_ok); let (exports, hashes) = exports_and_hashes .into_iter() .map(|result| result.unwrap()) .fold( (Vec::new(), Vec::new()), |(mut exports, mut hashes), (export, hash)| { exports.extend(export); hashes.push(hash); (exports, hashes) }, ); let errors = errors .into_iter() .map(Result::unwrap_err) .collect::>(); if !errors.is_empty() { let error = FlakeInfoError::Group(name.clone(), errors); if exports.is_empty() { return Err(error); } warn!("=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); warn!("{}", error); warn!("=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); if report { let mut file = File::create("report.txt").await?; file.write_all(format!("{}", error).as_bytes()).await?; } } let hash = { let mut sha = sha2::Sha256::new(); for hash in hashes { sha.update(hash); } format!("{:08x}", sha.finalize()) }; let ident = ("group".to_owned(), name, hash); Ok((exports, ident)) } } } async fn push_to_elastic( elastic: &ElasticOpts, successes: &[Export], ident: (String, String, String), ) -> Result<()> { let (index, alias) = elastic .elastic_index_name .to_owned() .map(|ident| { ( format!("{}-{}", elastic.elastic_schema_version.unwrap(), ident), None, ) }) .or_else(|| { let (kind, name, hash) = ident; let ident = format!( "{}-{}-{}-{}", kind, elastic.elastic_schema_version.unwrap(), &name, hash ); let alias = format!( "latest-{}-{}-{}", elastic.elastic_schema_version.unwrap(), kind, &name ); warn!("Using automatic index identifier: {}", ident); Some((ident, Some(alias))) }) .unwrap(); info!("Pushing to elastic"); let es = elastic::Elasticsearch::new(elastic.elastic_url.as_str())?; let config = elastic::Config { index: &index, exists_strategy: elastic.elastic_exists, }; // catch error variant if abort strategy was triggered let ensure = es.ensure_index(&config).await; if let Err(ElasticsearchError::IndexExistsError(_)) = ensure { // abort on abort return Ok(()); } else { // throw error if present ensure?; } es.push_exports(&config, successes) .await .with_context(|| "Failed to push results to elasticsearch".to_string())?; if let Some(alias) = alias { if !elastic.no_alias { es.write_alias(&config, &index, &alias) .await .with_context(|| "Failed to create alias".to_string())?; } else { warn!("Creating alias disabled") } } Ok(()) }