--- title: Communication description: published: true date: 2024-06-07T20:02:16.325Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2024-06-07T19:58:49.689Z --- > This is a template page > Please fill in all instances of [FILL_IN] with what they should be. > To find an example of a filled in page, please visit [SIG: Core](/community/core/communication) > After filling in all the spaces, please remove this warning {.is-warning} # Communication [FILL_IN] has a few different ways we can communicate. You can use any of the following: - Send a message to [[FILL_IN] - General on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#[FILL_IN]-GEN:auxolotl.org) - View ongoing topics in the [Discourse Category](https://forum.aux.computer/c/[FILL_IN]) - TODO (EMAIL)