144 lines
4.9 KiB
144 lines
4.9 KiB
lib: {
generators = {
## Limit evaluation of a valud to a certain depth.
## @type { limit? :: Int | Null, throw? :: Bool } -> a -> a
withRecursion = {
limit ? null,
throw ? true,
assert builtins.isInt limit; let
special = [
attr = next: name:
if builtins.elem name special
then lib.fp.id
else next;
transform = depth:
if limit != null && depth > limit
if throw
then builtins.throw "Exceeded maximum eval-depth limit of ${builtins.toString limit} while trying to evaluate with `lib.generators.withRecursion'!"
else lib.fp.const "<unevaluated>"
else lib.fp.id;
process = depth: value: let
next = x: process (depth + 1) (transform (depth + 1) x);
if builtins.isAttrs value
then builtins.mapAttrs (attr next) value
else if builtins.isList value
then builtins.map next value
else transform (depth + 1) value;
process 0;
## Create a pretty printer for Nix values.
## @type { indent? :: String, multiline? :: Bool, allowCustomPrettifiers? :: Bool } -> a -> string
pretty = {
indent ? "",
multiline ? true,
allowCustomPrettifiers ? false,
}: let
process = indent: value: let
prefix =
if multiline
then "\n${indent} "
else " ";
suffix =
if multiline
then "\n${indent}"
else " ";
prettyNull = "null";
prettyNumber = lib.numbers.into.string value;
prettyBool = lib.bools.into.string value;
prettyPath = builtins.toString value;
prettyString = let
lines = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.isList x) (builtins.split "\n" value);
escapeSingleline = lib.strings.escape.any ["\\" "\"" "\${"];
escapeMultiline = builtins.replaceStrings ["\${" "''"] ["''\${" "'''"];
singlelineResult = "\"" + lib.strings.concatMapSep "\\n" escapeSingleline lines + "\"";
multilineResult = let
escapedLines = builtins.map escapeMultiline lines;
# The last line gets a special treatment: if it's empty, '' is on its own line at the "outer"
# indentation level. Otherwise, '' is appended to the last line.
lastLine = lib.last escapedLines;
contents = builtins.concatStringsSep prefix (lib.lists.init escapedLines);
contentsSuffix =
if lastLine == ""
then suffix
else prefix + lastLine;
+ prefix
+ contents
+ contentsSuffix
+ "''";
if multiline && builtins.length lines > 1
then multilineResult
else singlelineResult;
prettyList = let
contents = lib.strings.concatMapSep prefix (process (indent + " ")) value;
if builtins.length value == 0
then "[ ]"
else "[${prefix}${contents}${suffix}]";
prettyFunction = let
args = lib.fp.args value;
markArgOptional = name: default:
if default
then name + "?"
else name;
argsWithDefaults = lib.attrs.mapToList markArgOptional args;
serializedArgs = builtins.concatStringsSep ", " argsWithDefaults;
if args == {}
then "<function>"
else "<function, args: {${serializedArgs}}>";
prettyAttrs = let
contents = builtins.concatStringsSep prefix (lib.attrs.mapToList
(name: value: "${lib.strings.escape.nix.identifier name} = ${
builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
(process (indent + " ") value)
if allowCustomPrettifiers && value ? __pretty__ && value ? value
then value.__pretty__ value.value
else if value == {}
then "{ }"
else if lib.packages.isDerivation value
then "<derivation ${value.name or "???"}>"
else "{${prefix}${contents}${suffix}}";
if null == value
then prettyNull
else if builtins.isInt value || builtins.isFloat value
then prettyNumber
else if builtins.isBool value
then prettyBool
else if builtins.isString value
then prettyString
else if builtins.isPath value
then prettyPath
else if builtins.isList value
then prettyList
else if builtins.isFunction value
then prettyFunction
else if builtins.isAttrs value
then prettyAttrs
else builtins.abort "lib.generators.pretty: should never happen (value = ${value})";
process indent;