# Aux Tidepool Aux Tidepool is an initial package set built on top of [Aux Foundation](../foundation). Packages are created and managed using [Aux Lib](../lib)'s module system to allow for highly dynamic and extensible configuration. ## Usage Packages can be imported both with and without Nix Flakes. To import them using Nix Flakes, add this repository as an input. ```nix inputs.tidepool.url = "https://git.auxolotl.org/auxolotl/labs/archive/main.tar.gz?dir=tidepool"; ``` To import this library without using Nix Flakes, you will need to use `fetchTarball` and import the library entrypoint. ```nix let labs = builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://git.auxolotl.org/auxolotl/labs/archive/main.tar.gz"; sha256 = ""; }; tidepool = import "${labs}/tidepool" {}; in # ... ```