2024-05-13 22:24:10 +01:00

104 lines
3.1 KiB

# This function downloads and normalizes a patch/diff file.
# This is primarily useful for dynamically generated patches,
# such as GitHub's or cgit's, where the non-significant content parts
# often change with updating of git or cgit.
# stripLen acts as the -p parameter when applying a patch.
{ lib, fetchurl, patchutils }:
{ relative ? null, stripLen ? 0
, decode ? "cat" # custom command to decode patch e.g. base64 -d
, extraPrefix ? null, excludes ? [ ], includes ? [ ], revert ? false
, postFetch ? "", ... }@args:
args' = if relative != null then {
stripLen = 1 + lib.length (lib.splitString "/" relative) + stripLen;
extraPrefix = lib.optionalString (extraPrefix != null) extraPrefix;
} else {
inherit stripLen extraPrefix;
in let inherit (args') stripLen extraPrefix;
in lib.throwIfNot (excludes == [ ] || includes == [ ])
"fetchpatch: cannot use excludes and includes simultaneously" fetchurl ({
postFetch = ''
if [ ! -s "$out" ]; then
echo "error: Fetched patch file '$out' is empty!" 1>&2
exit 1
set +e
${decode} < "$out" > "$tmpfile"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -s "$tmpfile" ]; then
echo 'Failed to decode patch with command "'${
lib.escapeShellArg decode
}'"' >&2
echo 'Fetched file was (limited to 128 bytes):' >&2
od -A x -t x1z -v -N 128 "$out" >&2
exit 1
set -e
mv "$tmpfile" "$out"
"${patchutils}/bin/lsdiff" \
lib.optionalString (relative != null)
"-p1 -i ${lib.escapeShellArg relative}/'*'"
} \
"$out" \
| sort -u | sed -e 's/[*?]/\\&/g' \
| xargs -I{} \
"${patchutils}/bin/filterdiff" \
--include={} \
--strip=${toString stripLen} \
lib.optionalString (extraPrefix != null) ''
--addoldprefix=a/${lib.escapeShellArg extraPrefix} \
--addnewprefix=b/${lib.escapeShellArg extraPrefix} \
} \
--clean "$out" > "$tmpfile"
if [ ! -s "$tmpfile" ]; then
echo "error: Normalized patch '$tmpfile' is empty (while the fetched file was not)!" 1>&2
echo "Did you maybe fetch a HTML representation of a patch instead of a raw patch?" 1>&2
echo "Fetched file was:" 1>&2
cat "$out" 1>&2
exit 1
${patchutils}/bin/filterdiff \
-p1 \
( (x: "-x ${lib.escapeShellArg x}") excludes)
} \
( (x: "-i ${lib.escapeShellArg x}") includes)
} \
"$tmpfile" > "$out"
if [ ! -s "$out" ]; then
echo "error: Filtered patch '$out' is empty (while the original patch file was not)!" 1>&2
echo "Check your includes and excludes." 1>&2
echo "Normalized patch file was:" 1>&2
cat "$tmpfile" 1>&2
exit 1
'' + lib.optionalString revert ''
${patchutils}/bin/interdiff "$out" /dev/null > "$tmpfile"
mv "$tmpfile" "$out"
'' + postFetch;
} // builtins.removeAttrs args [