2024-05-13 11:34:52 -04:00

99 lines
4 KiB

# This setup hook strips libraries and executables in the fixup phase.
_doStrip() {
# We don't bother to strip build platform code because it shouldn't make it
# to $out anyways---if it does, that's a bigger problem that a lack of
# stripping will help catch.
local -ra flags=(dontStripHost dontStripTarget)
local -ra debugDirs=(stripDebugList stripDebugListTarget)
local -ra allDirs=(stripAllList stripAllListTarget)
local -ra stripCmds=(STRIP STRIP_FOR_TARGET)
local -ra ranlibCmds=(RANLIB RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)
# TODO(structured-attrs): This doesn't work correctly if one of
# the items in strip*List or strip*Flags contains a space,
# even with structured attrs enabled. This is OK for now
# because very few packages set any of these, and it doesn't
# affect any of them.
# After __structuredAttrs = true is universal, come back and
# push arrays all the way through this logic.
# Strip only host paths by default. Leave targets as is.
stripDebugList=${stripDebugList[*]:-lib lib32 lib64 libexec bin sbin}
local i
for i in ${!stripCmds[@]}; do
local -n flag="${flags[$i]}"
local -n debugDirList="${debugDirs[$i]}"
local -n allDirList="${allDirs[$i]}"
local -n stripCmd="${stripCmds[$i]}"
local -n ranlibCmd="${ranlibCmds[$i]}"
# `dontStrip` disables them all
if [[ "${dontStrip-}" || "${flag-}" ]] || ! type -f "${stripCmd-}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
then continue; fi
stripDirs "$stripCmd" "$ranlibCmd" "$debugDirList" "${stripDebugFlags[*]:--S -p}"
stripDirs "$stripCmd" "$ranlibCmd" "$allDirList" "${stripAllFlags[*]:--s -p}"
stripDirs() {
local cmd="$1"
local ranlibCmd="$2"
local paths="$3"
local stripFlags="$4"
local excludeFlags=()
local pathsNew=
[ -z "$cmd" ] && echo "stripDirs: Strip command is empty" 1>&2 && exit 1
[ -z "$ranlibCmd" ] && echo "stripDirs: Ranlib command is empty" 1>&2 && exit 1
local pattern
if [ -n "${stripExclude:-}" ]; then
for pattern in "${stripExclude[@]}"; do
excludeFlags+=(-a '!' '(' -name "$pattern" -o -wholename "$prefix/$pattern" ')' )
local p
for p in ${paths}; do
if [ -e "$prefix/$p" ]; then
pathsNew="${pathsNew} $prefix/$p"
if [ -n "${paths}" ]; then
echo "stripping (with command $cmd and flags $stripFlags) in $paths"
local striperr
striperr="$(mktemp --tmpdir="$TMPDIR" 'striperr.XXXXXX')"
# Do not strip lib/debug. This is a directory used by setup-hooks/
find $paths -type f "${excludeFlags[@]}" -a '!' -path "$prefix/lib/debug/*" -print0 |
# Make sure we process files under symlinks only once. Otherwise
# 'strip` can corrupt files when writes to them in parallel:
xargs -r -0 -n1 -- realpath -z | sort -u -z |
xargs -r -0 -n1 -P "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" -- $cmd $stripFlags 2>"$striperr" || exit_code=$?
# xargs exits with status code 123 if some but not all of the
# processes fail. We don't care if some of the files couldn't
# be stripped, so ignore specifically this code.
[[ "$exit_code" = 123 || -z "$exit_code" ]] || (cat "$striperr" 1>&2 && exit 1)
rm "$striperr"
# 'strip' does not normally preserve archive index in .a files.
# This usually causes linking failures against static libs like:
# ld: ...-i686-w64-mingw32-stage-final-gcc-13.0.0-lib/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/libstdc++.dll.a:
# error adding symbols: archive has no index; run ranlib to add one
# Restore the index by running 'ranlib'.
find $paths -name '*.a' -type f -exec $ranlibCmd '{}' \; 2>/dev/null