2024-05-13 11:34:52 -04:00

77 lines
2.3 KiB

{ lib, formats, stdenvNoCC, writeText, ... }:
libconfig = formats.libconfig { };
include_expr = {
val = 1;
include_file = writeText "libconfig-test-include" ''
expression = {
simple_top_level_attr = "1.0";
nested.attrset.has.a.integer.value = 100;
some_floaty = 29.95;
## Same syntax here on these two, but they should get serialized differently:
# > A list may have zero or more elements, each of which can be a scalar value, an array, a group, or another list.
list1d = libconfig.lib.mkList [ 1 "mixed!" 5 2 ];
# You might also omit the mkList, as a list will be a list (in contrast to an array) by default.
list2d = [ 1 [ 1 1.2 "foo" ] [ "bar" 1.2 1 ] ];
# > An array may have zero or more elements, but the elements must all be scalar values of the same type.
array1d = libconfig.lib.mkArray [ 1 5 2 ];
array2d = [
(libconfig.lib.mkArray [ 1 2 ])
(libconfig.lib.mkArray [ 2 1 ])
nasty_string = "\"@\n\\\t^*\b\f\n\0\";'''$";
weirderTypes = {
_includes = [ include_file ];
pi = 3.141592654;
bigint = 9223372036854775807;
hex = libconfig.lib.mkHex "0x1FC3";
octal = libconfig.lib.mkOctal "0027";
float = libconfig.lib.mkFloat "1.2E-3";
array_of_ints = libconfig.lib.mkArray [
(libconfig.lib.mkOctal "0732")
(libconfig.lib.mkHex "0xA3")
list_of_weird_types = [
(libconfig.lib.mkHex "0x1FC3")
(libconfig.lib.mkOctal "0027")
(libconfig.lib.mkFloat "1.2E-32")
(libconfig.lib.mkFloat "1")
libconfig-test-cfg = libconfig.generate "libconfig-test.cfg" expression;
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "pkgs.formats.libconfig-test-comprehensive";
dontUnpack = true;
dontBuild = true;
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
cp ${./expected.txt} expected.txt
substituteInPlace expected.txt \
--subst-var-by include_file "${include_file}"
diff -U3 ./expected.txt ${libconfig-test-cfg}
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
cp expected.txt $out
cp ${libconfig-test-cfg} $out/libconfig-test.cfg
cp ${libconfig-test-cfg.passthru.json} $out/libconfig-test.json