{ lib, writeTextFile, buildPackages }: # All possible values as defined by the spec, version 1.4. # Please keep in spec order for easier maintenance. # When adding a new value, don't forget to update the Version field below! # See https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html lib.makeOverridable ({ name # The name of the desktop file , type ? "Application" # version is hardcoded , desktopName # The name of the application , genericName ? null, noDisplay ? null, comment ? null, icon ? null # we don't support the Hidden key - if you don't need something, just don't install it , onlyShowIn ? [ ], notShowIn ? [ ], dbusActivatable ? null, tryExec ? null , exec ? null, path ? null, terminal ? null , actions ? { } # An attrset of [internal name] -> { name, exec?, icon? } , mimeTypes ? [ ] # The spec uses "MimeType" as singular, use plural here to signify list-ness , categories ? [ ], implements ? [ ], keywords ? [ ], startupNotify ? null , startupWMClass ? null, url ? null, prefersNonDefaultGPU ? null # not supported until version 1.5, which is not supported by our desktop-file-utils as of 2022-02-23 # , singleMainWindow ? null , extraConfig ? { } # Additional values to be added literally to the final item, e.g. vendor extensions }: let # There are multiple places in the FDO spec that make "boolean" values actually tristate, # e.g. StartupNotify, where "unset" is literally defined as "do something reasonable". # So, handle null values separately. boolOrNullToString = value: if value == null then null else if builtins.isBool value then lib.boolToString value else throw "makeDesktopItem: value must be a boolean or null!"; # Multiple values are represented as one string, joined by semicolons. # Technically, it's possible to escape semicolons in values with \;, but this is currently not implemented. renderList = key: value: if !builtins.isList value then throw "makeDesktopItem: value for ${key} must be a list!" else if builtins.any (item: lib.hasInfix ";" item) value then throw "makeDesktopItem: values in ${key} list must not contain semicolons!" else if value == [ ] then null else builtins.concatStringsSep ";" value; # The [Desktop Entry] section of the desktop file, as an attribute set. # Please keep in spec order. mainSection = { "Type" = type; "Version" = "1.4"; "Name" = desktopName; "GenericName" = genericName; "NoDisplay" = boolOrNullToString noDisplay; "Comment" = comment; "Icon" = icon; "OnlyShowIn" = renderList "onlyShowIn" onlyShowIn; "NotShowIn" = renderList "notShowIn" notShowIn; "DBusActivatable" = boolOrNullToString dbusActivatable; "TryExec" = tryExec; "Exec" = exec; "Path" = path; "Terminal" = boolOrNullToString terminal; "Actions" = renderList "actions" (builtins.attrNames actions); "MimeType" = renderList "mimeTypes" mimeTypes; "Categories" = renderList "categories" categories; "Implements" = renderList "implements" implements; "Keywords" = renderList "keywords" keywords; "StartupNotify" = boolOrNullToString startupNotify; "StartupWMClass" = startupWMClass; "URL" = url; "PrefersNonDefaultGPU" = boolOrNullToString prefersNonDefaultGPU; # "SingleMainWindow" = boolOrNullToString singleMainWindow; } // extraConfig; # Render a single attribute pair to a Key=Value line. # FIXME: this isn't entirely correct for arbitrary strings, as some characters # need to be escaped. There are currently none in nixpkgs though, so this is OK. renderLine = name: value: if value != null then "${name}=${value}" else null; # Render a full section of the file from an attrset. # Null values are intentionally left out. renderSection = sectionName: attrs: lib.pipe attrs [ (lib.mapAttrsToList renderLine) (builtins.filter (v: v != null)) (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n") (section: '' [${sectionName}] ${section} '') ]; mainSectionRendered = renderSection "Desktop Entry" mainSection; # Convert from javaCase names as used in Nix to PascalCase as used in the spec. preprocessAction = { name, icon ? null, exec ? null }: { "Name" = name; "Icon" = icon; "Exec" = exec; }; renderAction = name: attrs: renderSection "Desktop Action ${name}" (preprocessAction attrs); actionsRendered = lib.mapAttrsToList renderAction actions; content = [ mainSectionRendered ] ++ actionsRendered; in writeTextFile { name = "${name}.desktop"; destination = "/share/applications/${name}.desktop"; text = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" content; checkPhase = '' ${buildPackages.desktop-file-utils}/bin/desktop-file-validate "$target"''; })