{ lib }: let inherit (lib) and any attrByPath attrNames compare concat concatMap elem filter foldl foldr genericClosure head imap1 init isAttrs isFunction isInt isList lists listToAttrs mapAttrs mergeAttrs meta nameValuePair tail toList ; inherit (lib.attrsets) removeAttrs; # returns default if env var is not set maybeEnv = name: default: let value = builtins.getEnv name; in if value == "" then default else value; defaultMergeArg = x: y: if builtins.isAttrs y then y else (y x); defaultMerge = x: y: x // (defaultMergeArg x y); foldArgs = merger: f: init: x: let arg = (merger init (defaultMergeArg init x)); # now add the function with composed args already applied to the final attrs base = ( setAttrMerge "passthru" { } (f arg) ( z: z // { function = foldArgs merger f arg; args = (attrByPath [ "passthru" "args" ] { } z) // x; } ) ); withStdOverrides = base // { override = base.passthru.function; }; in withStdOverrides; # shortcut for attrByPath ["name"] default attrs maybeAttrNullable = maybeAttr; # shortcut for attrByPath ["name"] default attrs maybeAttr = name: default: attrs: attrs.${name} or default; # Return the second argument if the first one is true or the empty version # of the second argument. ifEnable = cond: val: if cond then val else if builtins.isList val then [ ] else if builtins.isAttrs val then { } # else if builtins.isString val then "" else if val == true || val == false then false else null; # Return true only if there is an attribute and it is true. checkFlag = attrSet: name: if name == "true" then true else if name == "false" then false else if (elem name (attrByPath [ "flags" ] [ ] attrSet)) then true else attrByPath [ name ] false attrSet; # Input : attrSet, [ [name default] ... ], name # Output : its value or default. getValue = attrSet: argList: name: (attrByPath [ name ] ( if checkFlag attrSet name then true else if argList == [ ] then null else let x = builtins.head argList; in if (head x) == name then (head (tail x)) else (getValue attrSet (tail argList) name) ) attrSet); # Input : attrSet, [[name default] ...], [ [flagname reqs..] ... ] # Output : are reqs satisfied? It's asserted. checkReqs = attrSet: argList: condList: (foldr and true ( map ( x: let name = (head x); in ( (checkFlag attrSet name) -> (foldr and true ( map ( y: let val = (getValue attrSet argList y); in (val != null) && (val != false) ) (tail x) )) ) ) condList )); # This function has O(n^2) performance. uniqList = { inputList, acc ? [ ], }: let go = xs: acc: if xs == [ ] then [ ] else let x = head xs; y = if elem x acc then [ ] else [ x ]; in y ++ go (tail xs) (y ++ acc); in go inputList acc; uniqListExt = { inputList, outputList ? [ ], getter ? (x: x), compare ? (x: y: x == y), }: if inputList == [ ] then outputList else let x = head inputList; isX = y: (compare (getter y) (getter x)); newOutputList = outputList ++ (if any isX outputList then [ ] else [ x ]); in uniqListExt { outputList = newOutputList; inputList = (tail inputList); inherit getter compare; }; condConcat = name: list: checker: if list == [ ] then name else if checker (head list) then condConcat (name + (head (tail list))) (tail (tail list)) checker else condConcat name (tail (tail list)) checker; lazyGenericClosure = { startSet, operator }: let work = list: doneKeys: result: if list == [ ] then result else let x = head list; key = x.key; in if elem key doneKeys then work (tail list) doneKeys result else work (tail list ++ operator x) ([ key ] ++ doneKeys) ([ x ] ++ result); in work startSet [ ] [ ]; innerModifySumArgs = f: x: a: b: if b == null then (f a b) // x else innerModifySumArgs f x (a // b); modifySumArgs = f: x: innerModifySumArgs f x { }; innerClosePropagation = acc: xs: if xs == [ ] then acc else let y = head xs; ys = tail xs; in if !isAttrs y then innerClosePropagation acc ys else let acc' = [ y ] ++ acc; in innerClosePropagation acc' (uniqList { inputList = (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedBuildInputs" [ ] y) ++ (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedNativeBuildInputs" [ ] y) ++ ys; acc = acc'; }); closePropagationSlow = list: (uniqList { inputList = (innerClosePropagation [ ] list); }); # This is an optimisation of closePropagation which avoids the O(n^2) behavior # Using a list of derivations, it generates the full closure of the propagatedXXXBuildInputs # The ordering / sorting / comparison is done based on the `outPath` # attribute of each derivation. # On some benchmarks, it performs up to 15 times faster than closePropagation. # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/194391 for details. closePropagationFast = list: builtins.map (x: x.val) ( builtins.genericClosure { startSet = builtins.map (x: { key = x.outPath; val = x; }) (builtins.filter (x: x != null) list); operator = item: if !builtins.isAttrs item.val then [ ] else builtins.concatMap ( x: if x != null then [ { key = x.outPath; val = x; } ] else [ ] ) ((item.val.propagatedBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ (item.val.propagatedNativeBuildInputs or [ ])); } ); closePropagation = if builtins ? genericClosure then closePropagationFast else closePropagationSlow; # calls a function (f attr value ) for each record item. returns a list mapAttrsFlatten = f: r: map (attr: f attr r.${attr}) (attrNames r); # attribute set containing one attribute nvs = name: value: listToAttrs [ (nameValuePair name value) ]; # adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set setAttr = set: name: v: set // (nvs name v); # setAttrMerge (similar to mergeAttrsWithFunc but only merges the values of a particular name) # setAttrMerge "a" [] { a = [2];} (x: x ++ [3]) -> { a = [2 3]; } # setAttrMerge "a" [] { } (x: x ++ [3]) -> { a = [ 3]; } setAttrMerge = name: default: attrs: f: setAttr attrs name (f (maybeAttr name default attrs)); # Using f = a: b = b the result is similar to // # merge attributes with custom function handling the case that the attribute # exists in both sets mergeAttrsWithFunc = f: set1: set2: foldr (n: set: if set ? ${n} then setAttr set n (f set.${n} set2.${n}) else set) (set2 // set1) ( attrNames set2 ); # merging two attribute set concatenating the values of same attribute names # eg { a = 7; } { a = [ 2 3 ]; } becomes { a = [ 7 2 3 ]; } mergeAttrsConcatenateValues = mergeAttrsWithFunc (a: b: (toList a) ++ (toList b)); # merges attributes using //, if a name exists in both attributes # an error will be triggered unless its listed in mergeLists # so you can mergeAttrsNoOverride { buildInputs = [a]; } { buildInputs = [a]; } {} to get # { buildInputs = [a b]; } # merging buildPhase doesn't really make sense. The cases will be rare where appending /prefixing will fit your needs? # in these cases the first buildPhase will override the second one # ! deprecated, use mergeAttrByFunc instead mergeAttrsNoOverride = { mergeLists ? [ "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" ], overrideSnd ? [ "buildPhase" ], }: attrs1: attrs2: foldr ( n: set: setAttr set n ( if set ? ${n} then # merge if elem n mergeLists # attribute contains list, merge them by concatenating then attrs2.${n} ++ attrs1.${n} else if elem n overrideSnd then attrs1.${n} else throw "error mergeAttrsNoOverride, attribute ${n} given in both attributes - no merge func defined" else attrs2.${n} # add attribute not existing in attr1 ) ) attrs1 (attrNames attrs2); # example usage: # mergeAttrByFunc { # inherit mergeAttrBy; # defined below # buildInputs = [ a b ]; # } { # buildInputs = [ c d ]; # }; # will result in # { mergeAttrsBy = [...]; buildInputs = [ a b c d ]; } # is used by defaultOverridableDelayableArgs and can be used when composing using # foldArgs, composedArgsAndFun or applyAndFun. Example: composableDerivation in all-packages.nix mergeAttrByFunc = x: y: let mergeAttrBy2 = { mergeAttrBy = mergeAttrs; } // (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" { } x) // (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" { } y); in foldr mergeAttrs { } [ x y (mapAttrs ( a: v: # merge special names using given functions if x ? ${a} then if y ? ${a} then v x.${a} y.${a} # both have attr, use merge func else x.${a} # only x has attr else y.${a} # only y has attr) ) ( removeAttrs mergeAttrBy2 # don't merge attrs which are neither in x nor y (filter (a: !x ? ${a} && !y ? ${a}) (attrNames mergeAttrBy2)) ) ) ]; mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults = foldl mergeAttrByFunc { inherit mergeAttrBy; }; mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean = list: removeAttrs (mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults list) [ "mergeAttrBy" ]; # sane defaults (same name as attr name so that inherit can be used) mergeAttrBy = # { buildInputs = concatList; [...]; passthru = mergeAttr; [..]; } listToAttrs ( map (n: nameValuePair n concat) [ "nativeBuildInputs" "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" "configureFlags" "prePhases" "postAll" "patches" ] ) // listToAttrs ( map (n: nameValuePair n mergeAttrs) [ "passthru" "meta" "cfg" "flags" ] ) // listToAttrs ( map (n: nameValuePair n (a: b: "${a}\n${b}")) [ "preConfigure" "postInstall" ] ); nixType = x: if isAttrs x then if x ? outPath then "derivation" else "attrs" else if isFunction x then "function" else if isList x then "list" else if x == true then "bool" else if x == false then "bool" else if x == null then "null" else if isInt x then "int" else "string"; /** # Deprecated For historical reasons, imap has an index starting at 1. But for consistency with the rest of the library we want an index starting at zero. */ imap = imap1; # Fake hashes. Can be used as hash placeholders, when computing hash ahead isn't trivial fakeHash = "sha256-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="; fakeSha256 = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; fakeSha512 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; in # Everything in this attrset is the public interface of the file. { inherit checkFlag checkReqs closePropagation closePropagationFast closePropagationSlow condConcat defaultMerge defaultMergeArg fakeHash fakeSha256 fakeSha512 foldArgs getValue ifEnable imap innerClosePropagation innerModifySumArgs lazyGenericClosure mapAttrsFlatten maybeAttr maybeAttrNullable maybeEnv mergeAttrBy mergeAttrByFunc mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean mergeAttrsConcatenateValues mergeAttrsNoOverride mergeAttrsWithFunc modifySumArgs nixType nvs setAttr setAttrMerge uniqList uniqListExt ; }