# wrap whole file into an attrset 1i{ # no indentation $a} # extract repository metadata /^name 00texlive\.config$/,/^$/{ s/^name (.*)$/"\1" = {/p /^$/,1i}; s!^depend frozen/0$! frozen = false;!p s!^depend frozen/1$! frozen = true;!p s!^depend release/(.*)$! year = \1;!p s!^depend revision/(.*)$! revision = \1;!p } # form an attrmap per package # ignore packages whose name contains "." (such as binaries) except for texlive.infra /^name ([^.]+|texlive\.infra)$/,/^$/{ # quote invalid names s/^name ([0-9].*|texlive\.infra)$/"\1" = {/p s/^name (.*)$/\1 = {/p # extract revision s/^revision ([0-9]*)$/ revision = \1;/p # extract short description /^shortdesc (.+)$/{ s/"/\\"/g # escape quotes s/^shortdesc (.+)/ shortdesc = "\1";/p } # extract hashes of *.tar.xz s/^containerchecksum (.*)/ sha512.run = "\1";/p s/^doccontainerchecksum (.*)/ sha512.doc = "\1";/p s/^srccontainerchecksum (.*)/ sha512.source = "\1";/p # number of path components to strip, defaulting to 1 ("texmf-dist/") /^relocated 1/i\ stripPrefix = 0; # extract version and clean unwanted chars from it /^catalogue-version/y/ \/~/_--/ /^catalogue-version/s/[\#,:\(\)]//g s/^catalogue-version_(.*)/ version = "\1";/p /^catalogue-license/{ # wrap licenses in quotes s/ ([^ ]+)/ "\1"/g # adjust naming as in nixpkgs, the full texts of the licenses are available at https://www.ctan.org/license/${licenseName} s/"(cc-by(-sa)?-[1-4])"/"\10"/g s/"apache2"/"asl20"/g s/"artistic"/"artistic1-cl8"/g s/"bsd"/"bsd3"/g # license text does not match exactly, but is pretty close s/"bsd4"/"bsdOriginal"/g s/"collection"/"free"/g # used for collections of individual packages with distinct licenses. As TeXlive only contains free software, we can use "free" as a catchall s/"fdl"/"fdl13Only"/g s/"gpl"/"gpl1Only"/g s/"gpl([1-3])"/"gpl\1Only"/g s/"gpl2\+"/"gpl2Plus"/g s/"gpl3\+"/"gpl3Plus"/g s/"lgpl"/"lgpl2"/g s/"lgpl2\.1"/"lgpl21"/g s/"lppl"/"lppl13c"/g # not used consistently, sometimes "lppl" refers to an older version of the license s/"lppl1\.2"/"lppl12"/g s/"lppl1\.3"/"lppl13c"/g # If a work refers to LPPL 1.3 as its license, this is interpreted as the latest version of the 1.3 license (https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/) s/"lppl1\.3a"/"lppl13a"/g s/"lppl1\.3c"/"lppl13c"/g s/"other-free"/"free"/g s/"opl"/"opubl"/g s/"pd"/"publicDomain"/g s/^catalogue-license (.*)/ license = [ \1 ];/p } # extract deps /^depend ([^.]+|texlive\.infra)$/{ # open a list i\ deps = [ # loop through following depend lines :next-dep s/^\n?depend ([^.]+|texlive\.infra)$/ "\1"/p # print dep s/^.*$// # clear pattern space N; /^\ndepend /b next-dep # close the list i\ ]; D # restart cycle from the current line } # extract font maps /^execute add.*Map /{ # open a list i\ fontMaps = [ # loop through following map lines :next-map s/^\n?execute add(.*Map .*)$/ "\1"/p # print map s/^.*$// # clear pattern space N; /^\nexecute add.*Map /b next-map # close the string i\ ]; D # restart cycle from the current line } # detect presence of notable files /^docfiles /{ s/^.*$// # ignore the first line # read all files :next-doc N s/\n / / # remove newline t next-doc # loop if the previous lines matched / (texmf-dist|RELOC)\/doc\/man\//i\ hasManpages = true; / (texmf-dist|RELOC)\/doc\/info\//i\ hasInfo = true; D # restart cycle } /^runfiles /{ s/^.*$// # ignore the first line # read all files :next-file N s/\n / / # remove newline t next-file # loop if previous line matched s/\n/ \n/ # add space before last newline for accurate matching below / (RELOC|texmf-dist)\//i\ hasRunfiles = true; / tlpkg\//i\ hasTlpkg = true; # extract script extensions / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.(jar|lua|py|rb|sno|tcl|texlua|tlu) /{ i\ scriptExts = [ / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.jar /i\ "jar" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.lua /i\ "lua" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.py /i\ "py" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.rb /i\ "rb" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.sno /i\ "sno" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.tcl /i\ "tcl" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.texlua /i\ "texlua" / texmf-dist\/scripts\/.*\.tlu /i\ "tlu" i\ ]; } D # restart cycle from the current line } # extract postaction scripts (right now, at most one per package, so a string suffices) s/^postaction script file=(.*)$/ postactionScript = "\1";/p # extract hyphenation patterns /^execute\sAddHyphen\s/{ # open a list i\ hyphenPatterns = [ # create one attribute set per hyphenation pattern # plain keys: name, lefthyphenmin, righthyphenmin, file, file_patterns, file_exceptions, comment # optionally double quoted key: luaspecial, comment # comma-separated lists: databases, synonyms :next-hyphen s/(^|\n)execute\sAddHyphen/ {/ s/\s+luaspecial="([^"]+)"/\n luaspecial = "\1";/ s/\s+(name|lefthyphenmin|righthyphenmin|file|file_patterns|file_exceptions|luaspecial|comment)=([^ \t\n]*)/\n \1 = "\2";/g s/\s+(databases|synonyms)=([^ \t\n]+)/\n \1 = [ "\2" ];/g s/$/\n }/ :split-hyphens s/"([^,]+),([^"]+)" ]/"\1" "\2" ]/; t split-hyphens # repeat until there are no commas p s/^.*$// # clear pattern space N /^\nexecute\sAddHyphen\s/b next-hyphen # close the list i\ ]; D # restart cycle from the current line } # extract format details /^execute\sAddFormat\s/{ # open a list i\ formats = [ # create one attribute set per format # note that format names are not unique # plain keys: name, engine, patterns # optionally double quoted key: options # boolean key: mode (enabled/disabled) # comma-separated lists: fmttriggers, patterns :next-fmt s/(^|\n)execute\sAddFormat/ {/ s/\s+options="([^"]+)"/\n options = "\1";/ s/\s+(name|engine|options)=([^ \t\n]+)/\n \1 = "\2";/g s/\s+mode=enabled// s/\s+mode=disabled/\n enabled = false;/ s/\s+(fmttriggers|patterns)=([^ \t\n]+)/\n \1 = [ "\2" ];/g s/$/\n }/ :split-triggers s/"([^,]+),([^"]+)" ]/"\1" "\2" ]/; t split-triggers # repeat until there are no commas p s/^.*$// # clear pattern space N /^\nexecute\sAddFormat\s/b next-fmt # close the list i\ ]; D # restart cycle from the current line } # close attrmap /^$/i}; } # add list of binaries from one of the architecture-specific packages /^name ([^.]+|texlive\.infra)\.x86_64-linux$/,/^$/{ s/^name ([0-9].*|texlive\.infra)\.x86_64-linux$/"\1".binfiles = [/p s/^name (.*)\.x86_64-linux$/\1.binfiles = [/p s!^ bin/x86_64-linux/(.+)$! "\1"!p /^$/i]; }