# Inherit arguments from the derivation declare -a derivationMakeWrapperArgs="( ${makeWrapperArgs-} )" makeWrapperArgs=( "${derivationMakeWrapperArgs[@]}" ) # First argument is the executable you want to wrap, # the second is the destination for the wrapper. wrapDotnetProgram() { local dotnetRootFlags=() if [ ! "${selfContainedBuild-}" ]; then if [ "${useDotnetFromEnv-}" ]; then # if dotnet CLI is available, set DOTNET_ROOT based on it. Otherwise set to default .NET runtime dotnetRootFlags+=("--run" 'command -v dotnet &>/dev/null && export DOTNET_ROOT="$(@dirname@ "$(@realpath@ "$(@which@ dotnet)")")" || export DOTNET_ROOT="@dotnetRuntime@"') dotnetRootFlags+=("--suffix" "PATH" ":" "@dotnetRuntime@/bin") else dotnetRootFlags+=("--set" "DOTNET_ROOT" "@dotnetRuntime@") dotnetRootFlags+=("--prefix" "PATH" ":" "@dotnetRuntime@/bin") fi fi makeWrapper "$1" "$2" \ --suffix "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" : "@runtimeDeps@" \ "${dotnetRootFlags[@]}" \ "${gappsWrapperArgs[@]}" \ "${makeWrapperArgs[@]}" echo "installed wrapper to "$2"" } dotnetFixupHook() { echo "Executing dotnetFixupPhase" # check if executables is declared (including empty values, in which case we generate no executables) if declare -p executables &>/dev/null; then for executable in ${executables[@]}; do path="${installPath-$out/lib/$pname}/$executable" if test -x "$path"; then wrapDotnetProgram "$path" "$out/bin/$(basename "$executable")" else echo "Specified binary \"$executable\" is either not an executable or does not exist!" echo "Looked in $path" exit 1 fi done else while IFS= read -d '' executable; do wrapDotnetProgram "$executable" "$out/bin/$(basename "$executable")" \; done < <(find "${installPath-$out/lib/$pname}" ! -name "*.dll" -executable -type f -print0) fi echo "Finished dotnetFixupPhase" } if [[ -z "${dontDotnetFixup-}" ]]; then preFixupPhases+=" dotnetFixupHook" fi