{ lib , stdenvNoCC , dart , dartHooks , jq , yq , cacert }: { # Arguments used in the derivation that builds the Dart package. # Passing these is recommended to ensure that the same steps are made to # prepare the sources in both this derivation and the one that builds the Dart # package. buildDrvArgs ? { } , ... }@args: # This is a derivation and setup hook that can be used to fetch dependencies for Dart projects. # It is designed to be placed in the nativeBuildInputs of a derivation that builds a Dart package. # Providing the buildDrvArgs argument is highly recommended. let buildDrvInheritArgNames = [ "name" "pname" "version" "src" "sourceRoot" "setSourceRoot" "preUnpack" "unpackPhase" "unpackCmd" "postUnpack" "prePatch" "patchPhase" "patches" "patchFlags" "postPatch" ]; buildDrvInheritArgs = builtins.foldl' (attrs: arg: if buildDrvArgs ? ${arg} then attrs // { ${arg} = buildDrvArgs.${arg}; } else attrs) { } buildDrvInheritArgNames; drvArgs = buildDrvInheritArgs // (removeAttrs args [ "buildDrvArgs" ]); name = (if drvArgs ? name then drvArgs.name else "${drvArgs.pname}-${drvArgs.version}"); # Adds the root package to a dependency package_config.json file from pub2nix. linkPackageConfig = { packageConfig, extraSetupCommands ? "" }: stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation (drvArgs // { name = "${name}-package-config-with-root.json"; nativeBuildInputs = drvArgs.nativeBuildInputs or [ ] ++ args.nativeBuildInputs or [ ] ++ [ jq yq ]; dontBuild = true; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall packageName="$(yq --raw-output .name pubspec.yaml)" jq --arg name "$packageName" '.packages |= . + [{ name: $name, rootUri: "../", packageUri: "lib/" }]' '${packageConfig}' > "$out" ${extraSetupCommands} runHook postInstall ''; }); in { inherit linkPackageConfig; }