{ lib, buildPackages, pkgs, targetPackages, generateSplicesForMkScope , makeScopeWithSplicing', stdenv, preLibcCrossHeaders, config, path }: let # Prefix for binaries. Customarily ends with a dash separator. # # TODO(@Ericson2314) Make unconditional, or optional but always true by # default. targetPrefix = lib.optionalString (stdenv.targetPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform) (stdenv.targetPlatform.config + "-"); # Bootstrap `fetchurl` needed to build SDK packages without causing an infinite recursion. fetchurlBoot = import (path + "/pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/boot.nix") { inherit (stdenv) system; }; aliases = self: super: { }; # lib.optionalAttrs config.allowAliases (import ../top-level/darwin-aliases.nix lib self super pkgs); in makeScopeWithSplicing' { otherSplices = generateSplicesForMkScope "darwin"; extra = spliced: spliced.apple_sdk.frameworks; f = lib.extends aliases (self: let inherit (self) mkDerivation callPackage; # Must use pkgs.callPackage to avoid infinite recursion. # Open source packages that are built from source appleSourcePackages = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/apple-source-releases { } self; impure-cmds = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/impure-cmds { }; # macOS 10.12 SDK apple_sdk_10_12 = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/apple-sdk { inherit (buildPackages.darwin) print-reexports; inherit (self) darwin-stubs; fetchurl = fetchurlBoot; }; # macOS 11.0 SDK apple_sdk_11_0 = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/apple-sdk-11.0 { fetchurl = fetchurlBoot; }; # Pick an SDK apple_sdk = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 then apple_sdk_11_0 else apple_sdk_10_12; # Pick the source of libraries: either Apple's open source releases, or the # SDK. useAppleSDKLibs = stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64; selectAttrs = attrs: names: lib.listToAttrs (lib.concatMap (n: lib.optionals (attrs ? "${n}") [ (lib.nameValuePair n attrs."${n}") ]) names); chooseLibs = ( # There are differences in which libraries are exported. Avoid evaluation # errors when a package is not provided. selectAttrs (if useAppleSDKLibs then apple_sdk else appleSourcePackages) [ "Libsystem" "LibsystemCross" "libcharset" "libunwind" "objc4" "configd" "IOKit" ]) // { inherit (if useAppleSDKLibs then apple_sdk.frameworks else appleSourcePackages) Security; }; in impure-cmds // appleSourcePackages // chooseLibs // { inherit apple_sdk apple_sdk_10_12 apple_sdk_11_0; stdenvNoCF = stdenv.override { extraBuildInputs = [ ]; }; binutils-unwrapped = callPackage ./packages/binutils { inherit (pkgs) binutils-unwrapped; inherit (pkgs.llvmPackages) llvm clang-unwrapped; }; binutils = pkgs.wrapBintoolsWith { libc = if stdenv.targetPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform then pkgs.libcCross else pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc; bintools = self.binutils-unwrapped; }; binutilsDualAs-unwrapped = callPackage ./packages/binutils { inherit (pkgs) binutils-unwrapped; inherit (pkgs.llvmPackages) llvm clang-unwrapped; dualAs = true; }; binutilsDualAs = pkgs.wrapBintoolsWith { libc = if stdenv.targetPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform then pkgs.libcCross else pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc; bintools = self.binutilsDualAs-unwrapped; }; binutilsNoLibc = pkgs.wrapBintoolsWith { libc = preLibcCrossHeaders; bintools = self.binutils-unwrapped; }; cctools = self.cctools-llvm; cctools-apple = callPackage ./packages/cctools/apple.nix { stdenv = if stdenv.isDarwin then stdenv else pkgs.libcxxStdenv; }; cctools-llvm = callPackage ./packages/cctools/llvm.nix { stdenv = if stdenv.isDarwin then stdenv else pkgs.libcxxStdenv; }; cctools-port = callPackage ./packages/cctools/port.nix { stdenv = if stdenv.isDarwin then stdenv else pkgs.libcxxStdenv; }; # TODO(@connorbaker): See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/229389. cf-private = self.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreFoundation; DarwinTools = callPackage ./packages/DarwinTools { }; darwin-stubs = callPackage ./packages/darwin-stubs { }; print-reexports = callPackage ./packages/print-reexports { }; rewrite-tbd = callPackage ./packages/rewrite-tbd { }; checkReexportsHook = pkgs.makeSetupHook { name = "darwin-check-reexports-hook"; propagatedBuildInputs = [ pkgs.darwin.print-reexports ]; } ./packages/print-reexports/setup-hook.sh; sigtool = callPackage ./packages/sigtool { }; signingUtils = callPackage ./packages/signing-utils { }; postLinkSignHook = callPackage ./packages/signing-utils/post-link-sign-hook.nix { }; autoSignDarwinBinariesHook = pkgs.makeSetupHook { name = "auto-sign-darwin-binaries-hook"; propagatedBuildInputs = [ self.signingUtils ]; } ./packages/signing-utils/auto-sign-hook.sh; iosSdkPkgs = callPackage ./packages/xcode/sdk-pkgs.nix { buildIosSdk = buildPackages.darwin.iosSdkPkgs.sdk; targetIosSdkPkgs = targetPackages.darwin.iosSdkPkgs; inherit (pkgs.llvmPackages) clang-unwrapped; }; iproute2mac = callPackage ./packages/iproute2mac { }; libobjc = self.objc4; lsusb = callPackage ./packages/lsusb { }; moltenvk = pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk_11_0.callPackage ./packages/moltenvk { inherit (apple_sdk_11_0.frameworks) AppKit Foundation Metal QuartzCore; inherit (apple_sdk_11_0.libs) simd; }; openwith = pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk_11_0.callPackage ./packages/openwith { inherit (apple_sdk_11_0.frameworks) AppKit Foundation UniformTypeIdentifiers; }; stubs = pkgs.callPackages ./packages/stubs { }; trash = callPackage ./packages/trash { }; xattr = pkgs.python3Packages.callPackage ./packages/xattr { }; inherit (pkgs.callPackages ./packages/xcode { }) xcode_8_1 xcode_8_2 xcode_9_1 xcode_9_2 xcode_9_3 xcode_9_4 xcode_9_4_1 xcode_10_1 xcode_10_2 xcode_10_2_1 xcode_10_3 xcode_11 xcode_11_1 xcode_11_2 xcode_11_3_1 xcode_11_4 xcode_11_5 xcode_11_6 xcode_11_7 xcode_12 xcode_12_0_1 xcode_12_1 xcode_12_2 xcode_12_3 xcode_12_4 xcode_12_5 xcode_12_5_1 xcode_13 xcode_13_1 xcode_13_2 xcode_13_3 xcode_13_3_1 xcode_13_4 xcode_13_4_1 xcode_14 xcode_14_1 xcode_15 xcode_15_1 xcode; CoreSymbolication = callPackage ./packages/CoreSymbolication { inherit (apple_sdk) darwin-stubs; }; # TODO: Remove the CF hook if a solution to the crashes is not found. CF = # CF used to refer to the open source version of CoreFoundation from the Swift # project. As of macOS 14, the rpath-based approach allowing packages to choose # which version to use no longer seems to work reliably. Sometimes they works, # but sometimes they crash with the error (in the system crash logs): # CF objects must have a non-zero isa. # See https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/739355 for more on that error. # # In this branch, we only have a single "CoreFoundation" to choose from. # To be compatible with the existing convention, we define # CoreFoundation with the setup hook, and CF as the same package but # with the setup hook removed. # # This may seem unimportant, but without it packages (e.g., bacula) will # fail with linker errors referring ___CFConstantStringClassReference. # It's not clear to me why some packages need this extra setup. lib.overrideDerivation apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreFoundation (drv: { setupHook = null; }); # Formerly the CF attribute. Use this is you need the open source release. swift-corelibs-foundation = callPackage ./packages/swift-corelibs/corefoundation.nix { }; # As the name says, this is broken, but I don't want to lose it since it's a direction we want to go in # libdispatch-broken = callPackage ./packages/swift-corelibs/libdispatch.nix { }; libtapi = callPackage ./packages/libtapi { }; ios-deploy = callPackage ./packages/ios-deploy { }; discrete-scroll = callPackage ./packages/discrete-scroll { }; # # See doc/packages/darwin-builder.section.md # linux-builder = lib.makeOverridable ({ modules }: # let # toGuest = builtins.replaceStrings [ "darwin" ] [ "linux" ]; # nixos = import ../../nixos { # configuration = { # imports = [ # ../../nixos/modules/profiles/macos-builder.nix # ] ++ modules; # # If you need to override this, consider starting with the right Nixpkgs # # in the first place, ie change `pkgs` in `pkgs.darwin.linux-builder`. # # or if you're creating new wiring that's not `pkgs`-centric, perhaps use the # # macos-builder profile directly. # virtualisation.host = { inherit pkgs; }; # nixpkgs.hostPlatform = lib.mkDefault (toGuest stdenv.hostPlatform.system); # }; # system = null; # }; # in # nixos.config.system.build.macos-builder-installer) { modules = [ ]; }; # linux-builder-x86_64 = self.linux-builder.override { # modules = [ { nixpkgs.hostPlatform = "x86_64-linux"; } ]; # }; }); }