/** Simulate a migration from a single-instance `services.foo` to a multi instance `services.foos.` module, where `name = ""` serves as the legacy / compatibility instance. - No instances must exist, unless one is defined in the multi-instance module, or if the legacy enable option is set to true. - The legacy instance options must be renamed to the new instance, if it exists. The relevant scenarios are tested in separate files: - ./doRename-condition-enable.nix - ./doRename-condition-no-enable.nix */ { config, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkOption mkEnableOption types doRename ; in { options = { services.foo.enable = mkEnableOption "foo"; services.foos = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf ( types.submodule { options = { bar = mkOption { type = types.str; }; }; } ); default = { }; }; result = mkOption { }; }; imports = [ (doRename { from = [ "services" "foo" "bar" ]; to = [ "services" "foos" "" "bar" ]; visible = true; warn = false; use = x: x; withPriority = true; condition = config.services.foo.enable; }) ]; }