/* A partial and basic implementation of GVariant formatted strings. See [GVariant Format Strings](https://docs.gtk.org/glib/gvariant-format-strings.html) for details. :::{.warning} This API is not considered fully stable and it might therefore change in backwards incompatible ways without prior notice. ::: */ # This file is based on https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager # Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Home Manager contributors { lib }: let inherit (lib) concatMapStringsSep concatStrings escape head replaceStrings ; mkPrimitive = t: v: { _type = "gvariant"; type = t; value = v; __toString = self: "@${self.type} ${toString self.value}"; # https://docs.gtk.org/glib/gvariant-text.html }; type = { arrayOf = t: "a${t}"; maybeOf = t: "m${t}"; tupleOf = ts: "(${concatStrings ts})"; dictionaryEntryOf = nameType: valueType: "{${nameType}${valueType}}"; string = "s"; boolean = "b"; uchar = "y"; int16 = "n"; uint16 = "q"; int32 = "i"; uint32 = "u"; int64 = "x"; uint64 = "t"; double = "d"; variant = "v"; }; /* Check if a value is a GVariant value Type: isGVariant :: Any -> Bool */ isGVariant = v: v._type or "" == "gvariant"; in rec { inherit type isGVariant; /* Returns the GVariant value that most closely matches the given Nix value. If no GVariant value can be found unambiguously then error is thrown. Type: mkValue :: Any -> gvariant */ mkValue = v: if builtins.isBool v then mkBoolean v else if builtins.isFloat v then mkDouble v else if builtins.isString v then mkString v else if builtins.isList v then mkArray v else if isGVariant v then v else throw "The GVariant type of ${v} can't be inferred."; /* Returns the GVariant array from the given type of the elements and a Nix list. Type: mkArray :: [Any] -> gvariant Example: # Creating a string array lib.gvariant.mkArray [ "a" "b" "c" ] */ mkArray = elems: let vs = map mkValue (lib.throwIf (elems == [ ]) "Please create empty array with mkEmptyArray." elems); elemType = lib.throwIfNot (lib.all (t: (head vs).type == t) ( map (v: v.type) vs )) "Elements in a list should have same type." (head vs).type; in mkPrimitive (type.arrayOf elemType) vs // { __toString = self: "@${self.type} [${concatMapStringsSep "," toString self.value}]"; }; /* Returns the GVariant array from the given empty Nix list. Type: mkEmptyArray :: gvariant.type -> gvariant Example: # Creating an empty string array lib.gvariant.mkEmptyArray (lib.gvariant.type.string) */ mkEmptyArray = elemType: mkPrimitive (type.arrayOf elemType) [ ] // { __toString = self: "@${self.type} []"; }; /* Returns the GVariant variant from the given Nix value. Variants are containers of different GVariant type. Type: mkVariant :: Any -> gvariant Example: lib.gvariant.mkArray [ (lib.gvariant.mkVariant "a string") (lib.gvariant.mkVariant (lib.gvariant.mkInt32 1)) ] */ mkVariant = elem: let gvarElem = mkValue elem; in mkPrimitive type.variant gvarElem // { __toString = self: "<${toString self.value}>"; }; /* Returns the GVariant dictionary entry from the given key and value. Type: mkDictionaryEntry :: String -> Any -> gvariant Example: # A dictionary describing an Epiphany’s search provider [ (lib.gvariant.mkDictionaryEntry "url" (lib.gvariant.mkVariant "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany")) (lib.gvariant.mkDictionaryEntry "bang" (lib.gvariant.mkVariant "!d")) (lib.gvariant.mkDictionaryEntry "name" (lib.gvariant.mkVariant "DuckDuckGo")) ] */ mkDictionaryEntry = # The key of the entry name: # The value of the entry value: let name' = mkValue name; value' = mkValue value; dictionaryType = type.dictionaryEntryOf name'.type value'.type; in mkPrimitive dictionaryType { inherit name value; } // { __toString = self: "@${self.type} {${name'},${value'}}"; }; /* Returns the GVariant maybe from the given element type. Type: mkMaybe :: gvariant.type -> Any -> gvariant */ mkMaybe = elemType: elem: mkPrimitive (type.maybeOf elemType) elem // { __toString = self: if self.value == null then "@${self.type} nothing" else "just ${toString self.value}"; }; /* Returns the GVariant nothing from the given element type. Type: mkNothing :: gvariant.type -> gvariant */ mkNothing = elemType: mkMaybe elemType null; /* Returns the GVariant just from the given Nix value. Type: mkJust :: Any -> gvariant */ mkJust = elem: let gvarElem = mkValue elem; in mkMaybe gvarElem.type gvarElem; /* Returns the GVariant tuple from the given Nix list. Type: mkTuple :: [Any] -> gvariant */ mkTuple = elems: let gvarElems = map mkValue elems; tupleType = type.tupleOf (map (e: e.type) gvarElems); in mkPrimitive tupleType gvarElems // { __toString = self: "@${self.type} (${concatMapStringsSep "," toString self.value})"; }; /* Returns the GVariant boolean from the given Nix bool value. Type: mkBoolean :: Bool -> gvariant */ mkBoolean = v: mkPrimitive type.boolean v // { __toString = self: if self.value then "true" else "false"; }; /* Returns the GVariant string from the given Nix string value. Type: mkString :: String -> gvariant */ mkString = v: let sanitize = s: replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "\\n" ] ( escape [ "'" "\\" ] s ); in mkPrimitive type.string v // { __toString = self: "'${sanitize self.value}'"; }; /* Returns the GVariant object path from the given Nix string value. Type: mkObjectpath :: String -> gvariant */ mkObjectpath = v: mkPrimitive type.string v // { __toString = self: "objectpath '${escape [ "'" ] self.value}'"; }; /* Returns the GVariant uchar from the given Nix int value. Type: mkUchar :: Int -> gvariant */ mkUchar = mkPrimitive type.uchar; /* Returns the GVariant int16 from the given Nix int value. Type: mkInt16 :: Int -> gvariant */ mkInt16 = mkPrimitive type.int16; /* Returns the GVariant uint16 from the given Nix int value. Type: mkUint16 :: Int -> gvariant */ mkUint16 = mkPrimitive type.uint16; /* Returns the GVariant int32 from the given Nix int value. Type: mkInt32 :: Int -> gvariant */ mkInt32 = v: mkPrimitive type.int32 v // { __toString = self: toString self.value; }; /* Returns the GVariant uint32 from the given Nix int value. Type: mkUint32 :: Int -> gvariant */ mkUint32 = mkPrimitive type.uint32; /* Returns the GVariant int64 from the given Nix int value. Type: mkInt64 :: Int -> gvariant */ mkInt64 = mkPrimitive type.int64; /* Returns the GVariant uint64 from the given Nix int value. Type: mkUint64 :: Int -> gvariant */ mkUint64 = mkPrimitive type.uint64; /* Returns the GVariant double from the given Nix float value. Type: mkDouble :: Float -> gvariant */ mkDouble = v: mkPrimitive type.double v // { __toString = self: toString self.value; }; }