/* List of NixOS maintainers. ```nix handle = { # Required name = "Your name"; # Optional, but at least one of email, matrix or githubId must be given email = "address@example.org"; matrix = "@user:example.org"; github = "GithubUsername"; githubId = your-github-id; keys = [{ fingerprint = "AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF 0000 1111 2222 3333"; }]; }; ``` where - `handle` is the handle you are going to use in nixpkgs expressions, - `name` is a name that people would know and recognize you by, - `email` is your maintainer email address, - `matrix` is your Matrix user ID, - `github` is your GitHub handle (as it appears in the URL of your profile page, `https://github.com/`), - `githubId` is your GitHub user ID, which can be found at `https://api.github.com/users/`, - `keys` is a list of your PGP/GPG key fingerprints. Specifying a GitHub account ensures that you automatically: - get invited to the @NixOS/nixpkgs-maintainers team ; - once you are part of the @NixOS org, OfBorg will request you review pull requests that modify a package for which you are a maintainer. `handle == github` is strongly preferred whenever `github` is an acceptable attribute name and is short and convenient. If `github` begins with a numeral, `handle` should be prefixed with an underscore. ```nix _1example = { github = "1example"; }; ``` Add PGP/GPG keys only if you actually use them to sign commits and/or mail. To get the required PGP/GPG values for a key run ```shell gpg --fingerprint | head -n 2 ``` !!! Note that PGP/GPG values stored here are for informational purposes only, don't use this file as a source of truth. More fields may be added in the future, however, in order to comply with GDPR this file should stay as minimal as possible. When editing this file: * keep the list alphabetically sorted, check with: nix-instantiate --eval maintainers/scripts/check-maintainers-sorted.nix * test the validity of the format with: nix-build lib/tests/maintainers.nix See `./scripts/check-maintainer-github-handles.sh` for an example on how to work with this data. When adding a new maintainer, be aware of the current commit conventions documented at [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit-conventions) file located in the root of the Nixpkgs repo. */ { }