{ lib
, pkgs
, kernel ? pkgs.linux
, img ? pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel.target
, storeDir ? builtins.storeDir
, rootModules ?
    [ "virtio_pci" "virtio_mmio" "virtio_blk" "virtio_balloon" "virtio_rng" "ext4" "unix" "9p" "9pnet_virtio" "crc32c_generic" ]
      ++ pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86 "rtc_cmos"

  inherit (pkgs) bash bashInteractive busybox cpio coreutils e2fsprogs fetchurl kmod rpm
    stdenv util-linux
    buildPackages writeScript writeText runCommand;
rec {
  qemu-common = import ../../../nixos/lib/qemu-common.nix { inherit lib pkgs; };

  qemu = buildPackages.qemu_kvm;

  modulesClosure = pkgs.makeModulesClosure {
    inherit kernel rootModules;
    firmware = kernel;

  hd = "vda"; # either "sda" or "vda"

  initrdUtils = runCommand "initrd-utils"
    { nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.nukeReferences ];
      allowedReferences = [ "out" modulesClosure ]; # prevent accidents like glibc being included in the initrd
      mkdir -p $out/bin
      mkdir -p $out/lib

      # Copy what we need from Glibc.
      cp -p \
        ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/lib/ld-*.so.? \
        ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/lib/libc.so.* \
        ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/lib/libm.so.* \
        ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/lib/libresolv.so.* \

      # Copy BusyBox.
      cp -pd ${pkgs.busybox}/bin/* $out/bin

      # Run patchelf to make the programs refer to the copied libraries.
      for i in $out/bin/* $out/lib/*; do if ! test -L $i; then nuke-refs $i; fi; done

      for i in $out/bin/*; do
          if [ -f "$i" -a ! -L "$i" ]; then
              echo "patching $i..."
              patchelf --set-interpreter $out/lib/ld-*.so.? --set-rpath $out/lib $i || true
    ''; # */

  stage1Init = writeScript "vm-run-stage1" ''
    #! ${initrdUtils}/bin/ash -e

    export PATH=${initrdUtils}/bin

    mkdir /etc
    echo -n > /etc/fstab

    mount -t proc none /proc
    mount -t sysfs none /sys

    echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/panic_on_oom

    for o in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
      case $o in
          set -- $(IFS==; echo $o)
          set -- $(IFS==; echo $o)
          export out=$2

    echo "loading kernel modules..."
    for i in $(cat ${modulesClosure}/insmod-list); do
      insmod $i || echo "warning: unable to load $i"

    mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
    ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
    ln -s /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin
    ln -s /proc/self/fd/1 /dev/stdout
    ln -s /proc/self/fd/2 /dev/stderr

    ifconfig lo up

    mkdir /fs

    if test -z "$mountDisk"; then
      mount -t tmpfs none /fs
    elif [[ -e "$mountDisk" ]]; then
      mount "$mountDisk" /fs
      mount /dev/${hd} /fs

    mkdir -p /fs/dev
    mount -o bind /dev /fs/dev

    mkdir -p /fs/dev/shm /fs/dev/pts
    mount -t tmpfs -o "mode=1777" none /fs/dev/shm
    mount -t devpts none /fs/dev/pts

    echo "mounting Nix store..."
    mkdir -p /fs${storeDir}
    mount -t 9p store /fs${storeDir} -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,cache=loose,msize=131072

    mkdir -p /fs/tmp /fs/run /fs/var
    mount -t tmpfs -o "mode=1777" none /fs/tmp
    mount -t tmpfs -o "mode=755" none /fs/run
    ln -sfn /run /fs/var/run

    echo "mounting host's temporary directory..."
    mkdir -p /fs/tmp/xchg
    mount -t 9p xchg /fs/tmp/xchg -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,msize=131072

    mkdir -p /fs/proc
    mount -t proc none /fs/proc

    mkdir -p /fs/sys
    mount -t sysfs none /fs/sys

    mkdir -p /fs/etc
    ln -sf /proc/mounts /fs/etc/mtab
    echo " localhost" > /fs/etc/hosts
    # Ensures tools requiring /etc/passwd will work (e.g. nix)
    if [ ! -e /fs/etc/passwd ]; then
      echo "root:x:0:0:System administrator:/root:/bin/sh" > /fs/etc/passwd

    echo "starting stage 2 ($command)"
    exec switch_root /fs $command $out

  initrd = pkgs.makeInitrd {
    contents = [
      { object = stage1Init;
        symlink = "/init";

  stage2Init = writeScript "vm-run-stage2" ''
    #! ${bash}/bin/sh
    source /tmp/xchg/saved-env

    # Set the system time from the hardware clock.  Works around an
    # apparent KVM > 1.5.2 bug.
    ${util-linux}/bin/hwclock -s

    export NIX_STORE=${storeDir}
    export NIX_BUILD_TOP=/tmp
    export TMPDIR=/tmp
    export PATH=/empty
    cd "$NIX_BUILD_TOP"

    if ! test -e /bin/sh; then
      ${coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p /bin
      ${coreutils}/bin/ln -s ${bash}/bin/sh /bin/sh

    # Set up automatic kernel module loading.
    export MODULE_DIR=${kernel}/lib/modules/
    ${coreutils}/bin/cat <<EOF > /run/modprobe
    #! ${bash}/bin/sh
    exec ${kmod}/bin/modprobe "\$@"
    ${coreutils}/bin/chmod 755 /run/modprobe
    echo /run/modprobe > /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe

    # For debugging: if this is the second time this image is run,
    # then don't start the build again, but instead drop the user into
    # an interactive shell.
    if test -n "$origBuilder" -a ! -e /.debug; then
      exec < /dev/null
      ${coreutils}/bin/touch /.debug
      $origBuilder $origArgs
      echo $? > /tmp/xchg/in-vm-exit

      ${busybox}/bin/mount -o remount,ro dummy /

      ${busybox}/bin/poweroff -f
      export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:${coreutils}/bin
      echo "Starting interactive shell..."
      echo "(To run the original builder: \$origBuilder \$origArgs)"
      exec ${busybox}/bin/setsid ${bashInteractive}/bin/bash < /dev/${qemu-common.qemuSerialDevice} &> /dev/${qemu-common.qemuSerialDevice}

  qemuCommandLinux = ''
    ${qemu-common.qemuBinary qemu} \
      -nographic -no-reboot \
      -device virtio-rng-pci \
      -virtfs local,path=${storeDir},security_model=none,mount_tag=store \
      -virtfs local,path=$TMPDIR/xchg,security_model=none,mount_tag=xchg \
      ''${diskImage:+-drive file=$diskImage,if=virtio,cache=unsafe,werror=report} \
      -kernel ${kernel}/${img} \
      -initrd ${initrd}/initrd \
      -append "console=${qemu-common.qemuSerialDevice} panic=1 command=${stage2Init} out=$out mountDisk=$mountDisk loglevel=4" \

  vmRunCommand = qemuCommand: writeText "vm-run" ''
    export > saved-env

    mkdir xchg
    mv saved-env xchg/

    eval "$preVM"

    if [ "$enableParallelBuilding" = 1 ]; then
      if [ ''${NIX_BUILD_CORES:-0} = 0 ]; then
        QEMU_OPTS+=" -smp cpus=$(nproc)"
        QEMU_OPTS+=" -smp cpus=$NIX_BUILD_CORES"

    # Write the command to start the VM to a file so that the user can
    # debug inside the VM if the build fails (when Nix is called with
    # the -K option to preserve the temporary build directory).
    cat > ./run-vm <<EOF
    #! ${bash}/bin/sh
    cd $TMPDIR

    mkdir -p -m 0700 $out

    chmod +x ./run-vm
    source ./run-vm

    if ! test -e xchg/in-vm-exit; then
      echo "Virtual machine didn't produce an exit code."
      exit 1

    exitCode="$(cat xchg/in-vm-exit)"
    if [ "$exitCode" != "0" ]; then
      exit "$exitCode"

    eval "$postVM"

    A bash script fragment that produces a disk image at `destination`.
  createEmptyImage = {
    # Disk image size in MiB
    # Name that will be written to ${destination}/nix-support/full-name
    # Where to write the image files, defaulting to $out
    destination ? "$out"
  }: ''
    mkdir -p ${destination}
    ${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $diskImage "${toString size}M"

    mkdir ${destination}/nix-support
    echo "${fullName}" > ${destination}/nix-support/full-name

  defaultCreateRootFS = ''
    mkdir /mnt
    ${e2fsprogs}/bin/mkfs.ext4 /dev/${hd}
    ${util-linux}/bin/mount -t ext4 /dev/${hd} /mnt

    if test -e /mnt/.debug; then
      exec ${bash}/bin/sh
    touch /mnt/.debug

    mkdir /mnt/proc /mnt/dev /mnt/sys

  /* Run a derivation in a Linux virtual machine (using Qemu/KVM).  By
     default, there is no disk image; the root filesystem is a tmpfs,
     and the nix store is shared with the host (via the 9P protocol).
     Thus, any pure Nix derivation should run unmodified, e.g. the

       runInLinuxVM patchelf

     will build the derivation `patchelf' inside a VM.  The attribute
     `preVM' can optionally contain a shell command to be evaluated
     *before* the VM is started (i.e., on the host).  The attribute
     `memSize' specifies the memory size of the VM in megabytes,
     defaulting to 512.  The attribute `diskImage' can optionally
     specify a file system image to be attached to /dev/sda.  (Note
     that currently we expect the image to contain a filesystem, not a
     full disk image with a partition table etc.)

     If the build fails and Nix is run with the `-K' option, a script
     `run-vm' will be left behind in the temporary build directory
     that allows you to boot into the VM and debug it interactively. */

  runInLinuxVM = drv: lib.overrideDerivation drv ({ memSize ? 512, QEMU_OPTS ? "", args, builder, ... }: {
    requiredSystemFeatures = [ "kvm" ];
    builder = "${bash}/bin/sh";
    args = ["-e" (vmRunCommand qemuCommandLinux)];
    origArgs = args;
    origBuilder = builder;
    QEMU_OPTS = "${QEMU_OPTS} -m ${toString memSize}";
    passAsFile = []; # HACK fix - see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/16742

  extractFs = {file, fs ? null} :
    runInLinuxVM (
    stdenv.mkDerivation {
      name = "extract-file";
      buildInputs = [ util-linux ];
      buildCommand = ''
        ln -s ${kernel}/lib /lib
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe loop
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe ext4
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe hfs
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe hfsplus
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe squashfs
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe iso9660
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe ufs
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe cramfs

        mkdir -p $out
        mkdir -p tmp
        mount -o loop,ro,ufstype=44bsd ${lib.optionalString (fs != null) "-t ${fs} "}${file} tmp ||
          mount -o loop,ro ${lib.optionalString (fs != null) "-t ${fs} "}${file} tmp
        cp -Rv tmp/* $out/ || exit 0

  extractMTDfs = {file, fs ? null} :
    runInLinuxVM (
    stdenv.mkDerivation {
      name = "extract-file-mtd";
      buildInputs = [ pkgs.util-linux pkgs.mtdutils ];
      buildCommand = ''
        ln -s ${kernel}/lib /lib
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe mtd
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe mtdram total_size=131072
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe mtdchar
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe mtdblock
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe jffs2
        ${kmod}/bin/modprobe zlib

        mkdir -p $out
        mkdir -p tmp

        dd if=${file} of=/dev/mtd0
        mount ${lib.optionalString (fs != null) "-t ${fs} "}/dev/mtdblock0 tmp

        cp -R tmp/* $out/

  /* Like runInLinuxVM, but run the build not using the stdenv from
     the Nix store, but using the tools provided by /bin, /usr/bin
     etc. from the specified filesystem image, which typically is a
     filesystem containing a non-NixOS Linux distribution. */

  runInLinuxImage = drv: runInLinuxVM (lib.overrideDerivation drv (attrs: {
    mountDisk = attrs.mountDisk or true;

    /* Mount `image' as the root FS, but use a temporary copy-on-write
       image since we don't want to (and can't) write to `image'. */
    preVM = ''
      if test -d "$origImage"; then origImage="$origImage/disk-image.qcow2"; fi
      ${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -F ${attrs.diskImageFormat} -b "$origImage" -f qcow2 $diskImage

    /* Inside the VM, run the stdenv setup script normally, but at the
       very end set $PATH and $SHELL to the `native' paths for the
       distribution inside the VM. */
    postHook = ''
      eval "$origPostHook"

    origPostHook = lib.optionalString (attrs ? postHook) attrs.postHook;

    /* Don't run Nix-specific build steps like patchelf. */
    fixupPhase = "true";

  /* Create a filesystem image of the specified size and fill it with
     a set of RPM packages. */

  fillDiskWithRPMs =
    { size ? 4096, rpms, name, fullName, preInstall ? "", postInstall ? ""
    , runScripts ? true, createRootFS ? defaultCreateRootFS
    , QEMU_OPTS ? "", memSize ? 512
    , unifiedSystemDir ? false

    runInLinuxVM (stdenv.mkDerivation {
      inherit name preInstall postInstall rpms QEMU_OPTS memSize;
      preVM = createEmptyImage {inherit size fullName;};

      buildCommand = ''

        chroot=$(type -tP chroot)

        # Make the Nix store available in /mnt, because that's where the RPMs live.
        mkdir -p /mnt${storeDir}
        ${util-linux}/bin/mount -o bind ${storeDir} /mnt${storeDir}

        # Newer distributions like Fedora 18 require /lib etc. to be
        # symlinked to /usr.
        ${lib.optionalString unifiedSystemDir ''
          mkdir -p /mnt/usr/bin /mnt/usr/sbin /mnt/usr/lib /mnt/usr/lib64
          ln -s /usr/bin /mnt/bin
          ln -s /usr/sbin /mnt/sbin
          ln -s /usr/lib /mnt/lib
          ln -s /usr/lib64 /mnt/lib64
          ${util-linux}/bin/mount -t proc none /mnt/proc

        echo "unpacking RPMs..."
        set +o pipefail
        for i in $rpms; do
            echo "$i..."
            ${rpm}/bin/rpm2cpio "$i" | chroot /mnt ${cpio}/bin/cpio -i --make-directories --unconditional

        eval "$preInstall"

        echo "initialising RPM DB..."
        PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
          ldconfig -v || true
        PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
          rpm --initdb

        ${util-linux}/bin/mount -o bind /tmp /mnt/tmp

        echo "installing RPMs..."
        PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
          rpm -iv --nosignature ${lib.optionalString (!runScripts) "--noscripts"} $rpms

        echo "running post-install script..."
        eval "$postInstall"

        rm /mnt/.debug

        ${util-linux}/bin/umount /mnt${storeDir} /mnt/tmp ${lib.optionalString unifiedSystemDir "/mnt/proc"}
        ${util-linux}/bin/umount /mnt

      passthru = { inherit fullName; };

  /* Generate a script that can be used to run an interactive session
     in the given image. */

  makeImageTestScript = image: writeScript "image-test" ''
    #! ${bash}/bin/sh
    if test -z "$1"; then
      echo "Syntax: $0 <copy-on-write-temp-file>"
      exit 1
    if ! test -e "$diskImage"; then
      ${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -b ${image}/disk-image.qcow2 -f qcow2 -F qcow2 "$diskImage"
    export TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
    export out=/dummy
    export origBuilder=
    export origArgs=
    mkdir $TMPDIR/xchg
    export > $TMPDIR/xchg/saved-env

  /* Build RPM packages from the tarball `src' in the Linux
     distribution installed in the filesystem `diskImage'.  The
     tarball must contain an RPM specfile. */

  buildRPM = attrs: runInLinuxImage (stdenv.mkDerivation ({
    prePhases = [ "prepareImagePhase" "sysInfoPhase" ];
    dontConfigure = true;

    outDir = "rpms/${attrs.diskImage.name}";

    prepareImagePhase = ''
      if test -n "$extraRPMs"; then
        for rpmdir in $extraRPMs ; do
          rpm -iv $(ls $rpmdir/rpms/*/*.rpm | grep -v 'src\.rpm' | sort | head -1)

    sysInfoPhase = ''
      echo "System/kernel: $(uname -a)"
      if test -e /etc/fedora-release; then echo "Fedora release: $(cat /etc/fedora-release)"; fi
      if test -e /etc/SuSE-release; then echo "SUSE release: $(cat /etc/SuSE-release)"; fi
      echo "installed RPM packages"
      rpm -qa --qf "%{Name}-%{Version}-%{Release} (%{Arch}; %{Distribution}; %{Vendor})\n"

    buildPhase = ''
      eval "$preBuild"

      srcName="$(rpmspec --srpm -q --qf '%{source}' *.spec)"
      cp "$src" "$srcName" # `ln' doesn't work always work: RPM requires that the file is owned by root

      export HOME=/tmp/home
      mkdir $HOME

      mkdir $rpmout $rpmout/SPECS $rpmout/BUILD $rpmout/RPMS $rpmout/SRPMS

      echo "%_topdir $rpmout" >> $HOME/.rpmmacros

      if [ `uname -m` = i686 ]; then extra="--target i686-linux"; fi
      rpmbuild -vv $extra -ta "$srcName"

      eval "$postBuild"

    installPhase = ''
      eval "$preInstall"

      mkdir -p $out/$outDir
      find $rpmout -name "*.rpm" -exec cp {} $out/$outDir \;

      for i in $out/$outDir/*.rpm; do
        echo "Generated RPM/SRPM: $i"
        rpm -qip $i

      eval "$postInstall"
    ''; # */
  } // attrs));

  /* Create a filesystem image of the specified size and fill it with
     a set of Debian packages.  `debs' must be a list of list of
     .deb files, namely, the Debian packages grouped together into
     strongly connected components.  See deb/deb-closure.nix. */

  fillDiskWithDebs =
    { size ? 4096, debs, name, fullName, postInstall ? null, createRootFS ? defaultCreateRootFS
    , QEMU_OPTS ? "", memSize ? 512, ... }@args:

    runInLinuxVM (stdenv.mkDerivation ({
      inherit name postInstall QEMU_OPTS memSize;

      debs = (lib.intersperse "|" debs);

      preVM = createEmptyImage {inherit size fullName;};

      buildCommand = ''

        PATH=$PATH:${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.dpkg pkgs.glibc pkgs.xz ]}

        # Unpack the .debs.  We do this to prevent pre-install scripts
        # (which have lots of circular dependencies) from barfing.
        echo "unpacking Debs..."

        for deb in $debs; do
          if test "$deb" != "|"; then
            echo "$deb..."
            dpkg-deb --extract "$deb" /mnt

        # Make the Nix store available in /mnt, because that's where the .debs live.
        mkdir -p /mnt/inst${storeDir}
        ${util-linux}/bin/mount -o bind ${storeDir} /mnt/inst${storeDir}
        ${util-linux}/bin/mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
        ${util-linux}/bin/mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev

        # Misc. files/directories assumed by various packages.
        echo "initialising Dpkg DB..."
        touch /mnt/etc/shells
        touch /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/status
        touch /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/available
        touch /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/diversions

        # Now install the .debs.  This is basically just to register
        # them with dpkg and to make their pre/post-install scripts
        # run.
        echo "installing Debs..."

        export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

        for component in $debs; do
          echo ">>> INSTALLING COMPONENT: $component"
          for i in $component; do
            debs="$debs /inst/$i";
          chroot=$(type -tP chroot)

          # Create a fake start-stop-daemon script, as done in debootstrap.
          mv "/mnt/sbin/start-stop-daemon" "/mnt/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL"
          echo "#!/bin/true" > "/mnt/sbin/start-stop-daemon"
          chmod 755 "/mnt/sbin/start-stop-daemon"

          PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
            /usr/bin/dpkg --install --force-all $debs < /dev/null || true

          # Move the real start-stop-daemon back into its place.
          mv "/mnt/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL" "/mnt/sbin/start-stop-daemon"

        echo "running post-install script..."
        eval "$postInstall"

        rm /mnt/.debug

        ${util-linux}/bin/umount /mnt/inst${storeDir}
        ${util-linux}/bin/umount /mnt/proc
        ${util-linux}/bin/umount /mnt/dev
        ${util-linux}/bin/umount /mnt

      passthru = { inherit fullName; };
    } // args));

  /* Generate a Nix expression containing fetchurl calls for the
     closure of a set of top-level RPM packages from the
     `primary.xml.gz' file of a Fedora or openSUSE distribution. */

  rpmClosureGenerator =
    {name, packagesLists, urlPrefixes, packages, archs ? []}:
    assert (builtins.length packagesLists) == (builtins.length urlPrefixes);
    runCommand "${name}.nix" {
      nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.perl buildPackages.perlPackages.XMLSimple ];
      inherit archs;
    } ''
      ${lib.concatImapStrings (i: pl: ''
        gunzip < ${pl} > ./packages_${toString i}.xml
      '') packagesLists}
      perl -w ${rpm/rpm-closure.pl} \
        ${lib.concatImapStrings (i: pl: "./packages_${toString i}.xml ${pl.snd} " ) (lib.zipLists packagesLists urlPrefixes)} \
        ${toString packages} > $out

  /* Helper function that combines rpmClosureGenerator and
     fillDiskWithRPMs to generate a disk image from a set of package
     names. */

  makeImageFromRPMDist =
    { name, fullName, size ? 4096
    , urlPrefix ? "", urlPrefixes ? [urlPrefix]
    , packagesList ? "", packagesLists ? [packagesList]
    , packages, extraPackages ? []
    , preInstall ? "", postInstall ? "", archs ? ["noarch" "i386"]
    , runScripts ? true, createRootFS ? defaultCreateRootFS
    , QEMU_OPTS ? "", memSize ? 512
    , unifiedSystemDir ? false }:

    fillDiskWithRPMs {
      inherit name fullName size preInstall postInstall runScripts createRootFS unifiedSystemDir QEMU_OPTS memSize;
      rpms = import (rpmClosureGenerator {
        inherit name packagesLists urlPrefixes archs;
        packages = packages ++ extraPackages;
      }) { inherit fetchurl; };

  /* Like `rpmClosureGenerator', but now for Debian/Ubuntu releases
     (i.e. generate a closure from a Packages.bz2 file). */

  debClosureGenerator =
    {name, packagesLists, urlPrefix, packages}:

    runCommand "${name}.nix"
      { nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.perl buildPackages.dpkg ]; } ''
      for i in ${toString packagesLists}; do
        echo "adding $i..."
        case $i in
          *.xz | *.lzma)
            xz -d < $i >> ./Packages
            bunzip2 < $i >> ./Packages
            gzip -dc < $i >> ./Packages

      perl -w ${deb/deb-closure.pl} \
        ./Packages ${urlPrefix} ${toString packages} > $out

  /* Helper function that combines debClosureGenerator and
     fillDiskWithDebs to generate a disk image from a set of package
     names. */

  makeImageFromDebDist =
    { name, fullName, size ? 4096, urlPrefix
    , packagesList ? "", packagesLists ? [packagesList]
    , packages, extraPackages ? [], postInstall ? ""
    , extraDebs ? [], createRootFS ? defaultCreateRootFS
    , QEMU_OPTS ? "", memSize ? 512, ... }@args:

      expr = debClosureGenerator {
        inherit name packagesLists urlPrefix;
        packages = packages ++ extraPackages;
      (fillDiskWithDebs ({
        inherit name fullName size postInstall createRootFS QEMU_OPTS memSize;
        debs = import expr {inherit fetchurl;} ++ extraDebs;
      } // args)) // {inherit expr;};

  /* The set of supported RPM-based distributions. */

  rpmDistros = {

    # Note: no i386 release for Fedora >= 26
    fedora26x86_64 =
      let version = "26";
      in {
        name = "fedora-${version}-x86_64";
        fullName = "Fedora ${version} (x86_64)";
        packagesList = fetchurl rec {
          url = "mirror://fedora/linux/releases/${version}/Everything/x86_64/os/repodata/${sha256}-primary.xml.gz";
          sha256 = "880055a50c05b20641530d09b23f64501a000b2f92fe252417c530178730a95e";
        urlPrefix = "mirror://fedora/linux/releases/${version}/Everything/x86_64/os";
        archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
        packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux" ];
        unifiedSystemDir = true;

    fedora27x86_64 =
      let version = "27";
      in {
        name = "fedora-${version}-x86_64";
        fullName = "Fedora ${version} (x86_64)";
        packagesList = fetchurl rec {
          url = "mirror://fedora/linux/releases/${version}/Everything/x86_64/os/repodata/${sha256}-primary.xml.gz";
          sha256 = "48986ce4583cd09825c6d437150314446f0f49fa1a1bd62dcfa1085295030fe9";
        urlPrefix = "mirror://fedora/linux/releases/${version}/Everything/x86_64/os";
        archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
        packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux" ];
        unifiedSystemDir = true;

    centos6i386 =
      let version = "6.9";
      in rec {
        name = "centos-${version}-i386";
        fullName = "CentOS ${version} (i386)";
        urlPrefix = "mirror://centos/${version}/os/i386";
        packagesList = fetchurl rec {
          url = "${urlPrefix}/repodata/${sha256}-primary.xml.gz";
          sha256 = "b826a45082ef68340325c0855f3d2e5d5a4d0f77d28ba3b871791d6f14a97aeb";
        archs = ["noarch" "i386"];
        packages = commonCentOSPackages ++ [ "procps" ];

    centos6x86_64 =
      let version = "6.9";
      in rec {
        name = "centos-${version}-x86_64";
        fullName = "CentOS ${version} (x86_64)";
        urlPrefix = "mirror://centos/${version}/os/x86_64";
        packagesList = fetchurl rec {
          url = "${urlPrefix}/repodata/${sha256}-primary.xml.gz";
          sha256 = "ed2b2d4ac98d774d4cd3e91467e1532f7e8b0275cfc91a0d214b532dcaf1e979";
        archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
        packages = commonCentOSPackages ++ [ "procps" ];

    # Note: no i386 release for 7.x
    centos7x86_64 =
      let version = "7.4.1708";
      in rec {
        name = "centos-${version}-x86_64";
        fullName = "CentOS ${version} (x86_64)";
        urlPrefix = "mirror://centos/${version}/os/x86_64";
        packagesList = fetchurl rec {
          url = "${urlPrefix}/repodata/${sha256}-primary.xml.gz";
          sha256 = "b686d3a0f337323e656d9387b9a76ce6808b26255fc3a138b1a87d3b1cb95ed5";
        archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
        packages = commonCentOSPackages ++ [ "procps-ng" ];

  /* The set of supported Dpkg-based distributions. */

  debDistros = {
    ubuntu1404i386 = {
      name = "ubuntu-14.04-trusty-i386";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty (i386)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2";
            sha256 = "1d5y3v3v079gdq45hc07ja0bjlmzqfwdwwlq0brwxi8m75k3iz7x";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/trusty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2";
            sha256 = "03x9w92by320rfklrqhcl3qpwmnxds9c8ijl5zhcb21d6dcz5z1a";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu1404x86_64 = {
      name = "ubuntu-14.04-trusty-amd64";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty (amd64)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2";
            sha256 = "1hhzbyqfr5i0swahwnl5gfp5l9p9hspywb1vpihr3b74p1z935bh";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/trusty/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2";
            sha256 = "04560ba8s4z4v5iawknagrkn9q1nzvpn081ycmqvhh73p3p3g1jm";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu1604i386 = {
      name = "ubuntu-16.04-xenial-i386";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial (i386)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "13r75sp4slqy8w32y5dnr7pp7p3cfvavyr1g7gwnlkyrq4zx4ahy";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/xenial/universe/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "14fid1rqm3sc0wlygcvn0yx5aljf51c2jpd4x0zxij4019316hsh";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu1604x86_64 = {
      name = "ubuntu-16.04-xenial-amd64";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial (amd64)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "110qnkhjkkwm316fbig3aivm2595ydz6zskc4ld5cr8ngcrqm1bn";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/xenial/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "0mm7gj491yi6q4v0n4qkbsm94s59bvqir6fk60j73w7y4la8rg68";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu1804i386 = {
      name = "ubuntu-18.04-bionic-i386";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic (i386)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "0f0v4131kwf7m7f8j3288rlqdxk1k3vqy74b7fcfd6jz9j8d840i";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/bionic/universe/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "1v75c0dqr0wp0dqd4hnci92qqs4hll8frqdbpswadgxm5chn91bw";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu1804x86_64 = {
      name = "ubuntu-18.04-bionic-amd64";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic (amd64)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "1ls81bjyvmfz6i919kszl7xks1ibrh1xqhsk6698ackndkm0wp39";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/bionic/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "1832nqpn4ap95b3sj870xqayrza9in4kih9jkmjax27pq6x15v1r";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu2004i386 = {
      name = "ubuntu-20.04-focal-i386";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (i386)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/focal/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-7RAYURoN3RKYQAHpwBS9TIV6vCmpURpphyMJQmV4wLc=";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/focal/universe/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-oA551xVE80volUPgkMyvzpQ1d+GhuZd4DAe7dXZnULM=";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu2004x86_64 = {
      name = "ubuntu-20.04-focal-amd64";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (amd64)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/focal/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-d1eSH/j+7Zw5NKDJk21EG6SiOL7j6myMHfXLzUP8mGE=";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/focal/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-RqdG2seJvZU3rKVNsWgLnf9RwkgVMRE1A4IZnX2WudE=";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu2204i386 = {
      name = "ubuntu-22.04-jammy-i386";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy (i386)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-iZBmwT0ep4v+V3sayybbOgZBOFFZwPGpOKtmuLMMVPQ=";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/jammy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-DO2LdpZ9rDDBhWj2gvDWd0TJJVZHxKsYTKTi6GXjm1E=";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    ubuntu2204x86_64 = {
      name = "ubuntu-22.04-jammy-amd64";
      fullName = "Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy (amd64)";
      packagesLists =
        [ (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-N8tX8VVMv6ccWinun/7hipqMF4K7BWjgh0t/9M6PnBE=";
          (fetchurl {
            url = "mirror://ubuntu/dists/jammy/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
            sha256 = "sha256-0pyyTJP+xfQyVXBrzn60bUd5lSA52MaKwbsUpvNlXOI=";
      urlPrefix = "mirror://ubuntu";
      packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" "libc-bin" ];

    debian10i386 = {
      name = "debian-10.13-buster-i386";
      fullName = "Debian 10.13 Buster (i386)";
      packagesList = fetchurl {
        url = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20221126T084953Z/dists/buster/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
        hash = "sha256-n9JquhtZgxw3qr9BX0MQoY3ZTIHN0dit+iru3DC31UY=";
      urlPrefix = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20221126T084953Z";
      packages = commonDebianPackages;

    debian10x86_64 = {
      name = "debian-10.13-buster-amd64";
      fullName = "Debian 10.13 Buster (amd64)";
      packagesList = fetchurl {
        url = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20221126T084953Z/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
        hash = "sha256-YukIIB3u87jgp9oudwklsxyKVKjSL618wFgDSXiFmjU=";
      urlPrefix = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20221126T084953Z";
      packages = commonDebianPackages;

    debian11i386 = {
      name = "debian-11.8-bullseye-i386";
      fullName = "Debian 11.8 Bullseye (i386)";
      packagesList = fetchurl {
        url = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z/dists/bullseye/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
        hash = "sha256-0bKSLLPhEC7FB5D1NA2jaQP0wTe/Qp1ddiA/NDVjRaI=";
      urlPrefix = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z";
      packages = commonDebianPackages;

    debian11x86_64 = {
      name = "debian-11.8-bullseye-amd64";
      fullName = "Debian 11.8 Bullseye (amd64)";
      packagesList = fetchurl {
        url = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z/dists/bullseye/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
        hash = "sha256-CYPsGgQgJZkh3JmbcAQkYDWP193qrkOADOgrMETZIeo=";
      urlPrefix = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z";
      packages = commonDebianPackages;

    debian12i386 = {
      name = "debian-12.2-bookworm-i386";
      fullName = "Debian 12.2 Bookworm (i386)";
      packagesList = fetchurl {
        url = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z/dists/bookworm/main/binary-i386/Packages.xz";
        hash = "sha256-OeN9Q2HFM3GsPNhOa4VhM7qpwT66yUNwC+6Z8SbGEeQ=";
      urlPrefix = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z";
      packages = commonDebianPackages;

    debian12x86_64 = {
      name = "debian-12.2-bookworm-amd64";
      fullName = "Debian 12.2 Bookworm (amd64)";
      packagesList = fetchurl {
        url = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z/dists/bookworm/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz";
        hash = "sha256-SZDElRfe9BlBwDlajQB79Qdn08rv8whYoQDeVCveKVs=";
      urlPrefix = "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20231124T031419Z";
      packages = commonDebianPackages;

  /* Common packages for Fedora images. */
  commonFedoraPackages = [

  commonCentOSPackages = [

  commonRHELPackages = [

  /* Common packages for openSUSE images. */
  commonOpenSUSEPackages = [

  /* Common packages for Debian/Ubuntu images. */
  commonDebPackages = [
    # Needed by checkinstall:
    # Needed because it provides /etc/login.defs, whose absence causes
    # the "passwd" post-installs script to fail.

  commonDebianPackages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "sysvinit" "diff" ];

  /* A set of functions that build the Linux distributions specified
     in `rpmDistros' and `debDistros'.  For instance,
     `diskImageFuns.ubuntu1004x86_64 { }' builds an Ubuntu 10.04 disk
     image containing the default packages specified above.  Overrides
     of the default image parameters can be given.  In particular,
     `extraPackages' specifies the names of additional packages from
     the distribution that should be included in the image; `packages'
     allows the entire set of packages to be overridden; and `size'
     sets the size of the disk in megabytes.  E.g.,
     `diskImageFuns.ubuntu1004x86_64 { extraPackages = ["firefox"];
     size = 8192; }' builds an 8 GiB image containing Firefox in
     addition to the default packages. */
  diskImageFuns =
    (lib.mapAttrs (name: as: as2: makeImageFromRPMDist (as // as2)) rpmDistros) //
    (lib.mapAttrs (name: as: as2: makeImageFromDebDist (as // as2)) debDistros);

  /* Shorthand for `diskImageFuns.<attr> { extraPackages = ... }'. */
  diskImageExtraFuns =
    lib.mapAttrs (name: f: extraPackages: f { inherit extraPackages; }) diskImageFuns;

  /* Default disk images generated from the `rpmDistros' and
     `debDistros' sets. */
  diskImages = lib.mapAttrs (name: f: f {}) diskImageFuns;
