{ bashInteractive
, buildPackages
, cacert
, callPackage
, closureInfo
, coreutils
, e2fsprogs
, proot
, fakeNss
, fakeroot
, file
, go
, jq
, jshon
, lib
, makeWrapper
, moreutils
, nix
, nixosTests
, pigz
, rsync
, runCommand
, runtimeShell
, shadow
, skopeo
, storeDir ? builtins.storeDir
, substituteAll
, symlinkJoin
, tarsum
, util-linux
, vmTools
, writeClosure
, writeScript
, writeShellScriptBin
, writeText
, writeTextDir
, writePython3
, zstd

  inherit (lib)

  inherit (lib)

  mkDbExtraCommand = contents:
      contentsList = if builtins.isList contents then contents else [ contents ];
      echo "Generating the nix database..."
      echo "Warning: only the database of the deepest Nix layer is loaded."
      echo "         If you want to use nix commands in the container, it would"
      echo "         be better to only have one layer that contains a nix store."

      export NIX_REMOTE=local?root=$PWD
      # A user is required by nix
      # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/9348f9291e5d9e4ba3c4347ea1b235640f54fd79/src/libutil/util.cc#L478
      export USER=nobody
      ${buildPackages.nix}/bin/nix-store --load-db < ${closureInfo {rootPaths = contentsList;}}/registration
      # Reset registration times to make the image reproducible
      ${buildPackages.sqlite}/bin/sqlite3 nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite "UPDATE ValidPaths SET registrationTime = ''${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}"

      mkdir -p nix/var/nix/gcroots/docker/
      for i in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " contentsList}; do
      ln -s $i nix/var/nix/gcroots/docker/$(basename $i)

  # The OCI Image specification recommends that configurations use values listed
  # in the Go Language document for GOARCH.
  # Reference: https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/config.md#properties
  # For the mapping from Nixpkgs system parameters to GOARCH, we can reuse the
  # mapping from the go package.
  defaultArchitecture = go.GOARCH;

  compressors = {
    none = {
      ext = "";
      nativeInputs = [ ];
      compress = "cat";
      decompress = "cat";
    gz = {
      ext = ".gz";
      nativeInputs = [ pigz ];
      compress = "pigz -p$NIX_BUILD_CORES -nTR";
      decompress = "pigz -d -p$NIX_BUILD_CORES";
    zstd = {
      ext = ".zst";
      nativeInputs = [ zstd ];
      compress = "zstd -T$NIX_BUILD_CORES";
      decompress = "zstd -d -T$NIX_BUILD_CORES";

  compressorForImage = compressor: imageName: compressors.${compressor} or
    (throw "in docker image ${imageName}: compressor must be one of: [${toString builtins.attrNames compressors}]");

rec {
  examples = callPackage ./examples.nix {
    inherit buildImage buildLayeredImage fakeNss pullImage shadowSetup buildImageWithNixDb streamNixShellImage;

  tests = {
    inherit (nixosTests)
      # requires remote builder
      # docker-tools-cross

  pullImage =
      fixName = name: builtins.replaceStrings [ "/" ":" ] [ "-" "-" ] name;
    { imageName
      # To find the digest of an image, you can use skopeo:
      # see doc/functions.xml
    , imageDigest
    , sha256
    , os ? "linux"
    , # Image architecture, defaults to the architecture of the `hostPlatform` when unset
      arch ? defaultArchitecture
      # This is used to set name to the pulled image
    , finalImageName ? imageName
      # This used to set a tag to the pulled image
    , finalImageTag ? "latest"
      # This is used to disable TLS certificate verification, allowing access to http registries on (hopefully) trusted networks
    , tlsVerify ? true

    , name ? fixName "docker-image-${finalImageName}-${finalImageTag}.tar"

    runCommand name
        inherit imageDigest;
        imageName = finalImageName;
        imageTag = finalImageTag;
        impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars;
        outputHashMode = "flat";
        outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
        outputHash = sha256;

        nativeBuildInputs = [ skopeo ];
        SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert.out}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";

        sourceURL = "docker://${imageName}@${imageDigest}";
        destNameTag = "${finalImageName}:${finalImageTag}";
      } ''
      skopeo \
        --insecure-policy \
        --tmpdir=$TMPDIR \
        --override-os ${os} \
        --override-arch ${arch} \
        copy \
        --src-tls-verify=${lib.boolToString tlsVerify} \
        "$sourceURL" "docker-archive://$out:$destNameTag" \
        | cat  # pipe through cat to force-disable progress bar

  # We need to sum layer.tar, not a directory, hence tarsum instead of nix-hash.
  # And we cannot untar it, because then we cannot preserve permissions etc.
  inherit tarsum; # pkgs.dockerTools.tarsum

  # buildEnv creates symlinks to dirs, which is hard to edit inside the overlay VM
  mergeDrvs =
    { derivations
    , onlyDeps ? false
    runCommand "merge-drvs"
        inherit derivations onlyDeps;
      } ''
      if [[ -n "$onlyDeps" ]]; then
        echo $derivations > $out
        exit 0

      mkdir $out
      for derivation in $derivations; do
        echo "Merging $derivation..."
        if [[ -d "$derivation" ]]; then
          # If it's a directory, copy all of its contents into $out.
          cp -drf --preserve=mode -f $derivation/* $out/
          # Otherwise treat the derivation as a tarball and extract it
          # into $out.
          tar -C $out -xpf $drv || true

  # Helper for setting up the base files for managing users and
  # groups, only if such files don't exist already. It is suitable for
  # being used in a runAsRoot script.
  shadowSetup = ''
    export PATH=${shadow}/bin:$PATH
    mkdir -p /etc/pam.d
    if [[ ! -f /etc/passwd ]]; then
      echo "root:x:0:0::/root:${runtimeShell}" > /etc/passwd
      echo "root:!x:::::::" > /etc/shadow
    if [[ ! -f /etc/group ]]; then
      echo "root:x:0:" > /etc/group
      echo "root:x::" > /etc/gshadow
    if [[ ! -f /etc/pam.d/other ]]; then
      cat > /etc/pam.d/other <<EOF
    account sufficient pam_unix.so
    auth sufficient pam_rootok.so
    password requisite pam_unix.so nullok yescrypt
    session required pam_unix.so
    if [[ ! -f /etc/login.defs ]]; then
      touch /etc/login.defs

  # Run commands in a virtual machine.
  runWithOverlay =
    { name
    , fromImage ? null
    , fromImageName ? null
    , fromImageTag ? null
    , diskSize ? 1024
    , buildVMMemorySize ? 512
    , preMount ? ""
    , postMount ? ""
    , postUmount ? ""
      vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
        runCommand name
            preVM = vmTools.createEmptyImage {
              size = diskSize;
              fullName = "docker-run-disk";
              destination = "./image";
            inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag;
            memSize = buildVMMemorySize;

            nativeBuildInputs = [ util-linux e2fsprogs jshon rsync jq ];
          } ''
          mkdir disk
          mkfs /dev/${vmTools.hd}
          mount /dev/${vmTools.hd} disk
          cd disk

          function dedup() {
            declare -A seen
            while read ln; do
              if [[ -z "''${seen["$ln"]:-}" ]]; then
                echo "$ln"; seen["$ln"]=1

          if [[ -n "$fromImage" ]]; then
            echo "Unpacking base image..."
            mkdir image
            tar -C image -xpf "$fromImage"

            if [[ -n "$fromImageName" ]] && [[ -n "$fromImageTag" ]]; then
                cat "image/manifest.json" |
                  jq -r '.[] | select(.RepoTags | contains([$desiredTag])) | rtrimstr(".json")' \
                    --arg desiredTag "$fromImageName:$fromImageTag"
              echo "From-image name or tag wasn't set. Reading the first ID."
              parentID="$(cat "image/manifest.json" | jq -r '.[0].Config | rtrimstr(".json")')"

            # In case of repeated layers, unpack only the last occurrence of each
            cat ./image/manifest.json  | jq -r '.[0].Layers | .[]' | tac | dedup | tac > layer-list
            touch layer-list

          # Unpack all of the parent layers into the image.
          for layerTar in $(cat layer-list); do
            echo "Unpacking layer $layerTar"
            extractionID=$((extractionID + 1))

            mkdir -p image/$extractionID/layer
            tar -C image/$extractionID/layer -xpf image/$layerTar
            rm image/$layerTar

            find image/$extractionID/layer -name ".wh.*" -exec bash -c 'name="$(basename {}|sed "s/^.wh.//")"; mknod "$(dirname {})/$name" c 0 0; rm {}' \;

            # Get the next lower directory and continue the loop.

          mkdir work
          mkdir layer
          mkdir mnt

          ${lib.optionalString (preMount != "") ''
            # Execute pre-mount steps
            echo "Executing pre-mount steps..."

          if [ -n "$lowerdir" ]; then
            mount -t overlay overlay -olowerdir=$lowerdir,workdir=work,upperdir=layer mnt
            mount --bind layer mnt

          ${lib.optionalString (postMount != "") ''
            # Execute post-mount steps
            echo "Executing post-mount steps..."

          umount mnt

            cd layer
            cmd='name="$(basename {})"; touch "$(dirname {})/.wh.$name"; rm "{}"'
            find . -type c -exec bash -c "$cmd" \;


  exportImage = { name ? fromImage.name, fromImage, fromImageName ? null, fromImageTag ? null, diskSize ? 1024 }:
    runWithOverlay {
      inherit name fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag diskSize;

      postMount = ''
        echo "Packing raw image..."
        tar -C mnt --hard-dereference --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" -cf $out/layer.tar .

      postUmount = ''
        mv $out/layer.tar .
        rm -rf $out
        mv layer.tar $out

  # Create an executable shell script which has the coreutils in its
  # PATH. Since root scripts are executed in a blank environment, even
  # things like `ls` or `echo` will be missing.
  shellScript = name: text:
    writeScript name ''
      set -e
      export PATH=${coreutils}/bin:/bin

  # Create a "layer" (set of files).
  mkPureLayer =
      # Name of the layer
    , # JSON containing configuration and metadata for this layer.
    , # Files to add to the layer.
      copyToRoot ? null
    , # When copying the contents into the image, preserve symlinks to
      # directories (see `rsync -K`).  Otherwise, transform those symlinks
      # into directories.
      keepContentsDirlinks ? false
    , # Additional commands to run on the layer before it is tar'd up.
      extraCommands ? ""
    , uid ? 0
    , gid ? 0
    runCommand "docker-layer-${name}"
        inherit baseJson extraCommands;
        contents = copyToRoot;
        nativeBuildInputs = [ jshon rsync tarsum ];
        mkdir layer
        if [[ -n "$contents" ]]; then
          echo "Adding contents..."
          for item in $contents; do
            echo "Adding $item"
            rsync -a${if keepContentsDirlinks then "K" else "k"} --chown=0:0 $item/ layer/
          echo "No contents to add to layer."

        chmod ug+w layer

        if [[ -n "$extraCommands" ]]; then
          (cd layer; eval "$extraCommands")

        # Tar up the layer and throw it into 'layer.tar'.
        echo "Packing layer..."
        mkdir $out
        tarhash=$(tar -C layer --hard-dereference --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=${toString uid} --group=${toString gid} -cf - . | tee -p $out/layer.tar | tarsum)

        # Add a 'checksum' field to the JSON, with the value set to the
        # checksum of the tarball.
        cat ${baseJson} | jshon -s "$tarhash" -i checksum > $out/json

        # Indicate to docker that we're using schema version 1.0.
        echo -n "1.0" > $out/VERSION

        echo "Finished building layer '${name}'"

  # Make a "root" layer; required if we need to execute commands as a
  # privileged user on the image. The commands themselves will be
  # performed in a virtual machine sandbox.
  mkRootLayer =
      # Name of the image.
    , # Script to run as root. Bash.
    , # Files to add to the layer. If null, an empty layer will be created.
      # To add packages to /bin, use `buildEnv` or similar.
      copyToRoot ? null
    , # When copying the contents into the image, preserve symlinks to
      # directories (see `rsync -K`).  Otherwise, transform those symlinks
      # into directories.
      keepContentsDirlinks ? false
    , # JSON containing configuration and metadata for this layer.
    , # Existing image onto which to append the new layer.
      fromImage ? null
    , # Name of the image we're appending onto.
      fromImageName ? null
    , # Tag of the image we're appending onto.
      fromImageTag ? null
    , # How much disk to allocate for the temporary virtual machine.
      diskSize ? 1024
    , # How much memory to allocate for the temporary virtual machine.
      buildVMMemorySize ? 512
    , # Commands (bash) to run on the layer; these do not require sudo.
      extraCommands ? ""
    # Generate an executable script from the `runAsRoot` text.
      runAsRootScript = shellScript "run-as-root.sh" runAsRoot;
      extraCommandsScript = shellScript "extra-commands.sh" extraCommands;
    runWithOverlay {
      name = "docker-layer-${name}";

      inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag diskSize buildVMMemorySize;

      preMount = lib.optionalString (copyToRoot != null && copyToRoot != [ ]) ''
        echo "Adding contents..."
        for item in ${escapeShellArgs (map (c: "${c}") (toList copyToRoot))}; do
          echo "Adding $item..."
          rsync -a${if keepContentsDirlinks then "K" else "k"} --chown=0:0 $item/ layer/

        chmod ug+w layer

      postMount = ''
        mkdir -p mnt/{dev,proc,sys,tmp} mnt${storeDir}

        # Mount /dev, /sys and the nix store as shared folders.
        mount --rbind /dev mnt/dev
        mount --rbind /sys mnt/sys
        mount --rbind ${storeDir} mnt${storeDir}

        # Execute the run as root script. See 'man unshare' for
        # details on what's going on here; basically this command
        # means that the runAsRootScript will be executed in a nearly
        # completely isolated environment.
        # Ideally we would use --mount-proc=mnt/proc or similar, but this
        # doesn't work. The workaround is to setup proc after unshare.
        # See: https://github.com/karelzak/util-linux/issues/648
        unshare -imnpuf --mount-proc sh -c 'mount --rbind /proc mnt/proc && chroot mnt ${runAsRootScript}'

        # Unmount directories and remove them.
        umount -R mnt/dev mnt/sys mnt${storeDir}
        rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty \
          mnt/dev mnt/proc mnt/sys mnt${storeDir} \
          mnt$(dirname ${storeDir})

      postUmount = ''
        (cd layer; ${extraCommandsScript})

        echo "Packing layer..."
        mkdir -p $out
        tarhash=$(tar -C layer --hard-dereference --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" -cf - . |
                    tee -p $out/layer.tar |

        cat ${baseJson} | jshon -s "$tarhash" -i checksum > $out/json
        # Indicate to docker that we're using schema version 1.0.
        echo -n "1.0" > $out/VERSION

        echo "Finished building layer '${name}'"

  buildLayeredImage = lib.makeOverridable ({ name, compressor ? "gz", ... }@args:
      stream = streamLayeredImage (builtins.removeAttrs args ["compressor"]);
      compress = compressorForImage compressor name;
    runCommand "${baseNameOf name}.tar${compress.ext}"
        inherit (stream) imageName;
        passthru = { inherit (stream) imageTag; inherit stream; };
        nativeBuildInputs = compress.nativeInputs;
      } "${stream} | ${compress.compress} > $out"

  # 1. extract the base image
  # 2. create the layer
  # 3. add layer deps to the layer itself, diffing with the base image
  # 4. compute the layer id
  # 5. put the layer in the image
  # 6. repack the image
  buildImage = lib.makeOverridable (
      # Image name.
    , # Image tag, when null then the nix output hash will be used.
      tag ? null
    , # Parent image, to append to.
      fromImage ? null
    , # Name of the parent image; will be read from the image otherwise.
      fromImageName ? null
    , # Tag of the parent image; will be read from the image otherwise.
      fromImageTag ? null
    , # Files to put on the image (a nix store path or list of paths).
      copyToRoot ? null
    , # When copying the contents into the image, preserve symlinks to
      # directories (see `rsync -K`).  Otherwise, transform those symlinks
      # into directories.
      keepContentsDirlinks ? false
    , # Docker config; e.g. what command to run on the container.
      config ? null
    , # Image architecture, defaults to the architecture of the `hostPlatform` when unset
      architecture ? defaultArchitecture
    , # Optional bash script to run on the files prior to fixturizing the layer.
      extraCommands ? ""
    , uid ? 0
    , gid ? 0
    , # Optional bash script to run as root on the image when provisioning.
      runAsRoot ? null
    , # Size of the virtual machine disk to provision when building the image.
      diskSize ? 1024
    , # Size of the virtual machine memory to provision when building the image.
      buildVMMemorySize ? 512
    , # Time of creation of the image.
      created ? "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"
    , # Compressor to use. One of: none, gz, zstd.
      compressor ? "gz"
    , # Deprecated.
      contents ? null

      checked =
        lib.warnIf (contents != null)
          "in docker image ${name}: The contents parameter is deprecated. Change to copyToRoot if the contents are designed to be copied to the root filesystem, such as when you use `buildEnv` or similar between contents and your packages. Use copyToRoot = buildEnv { ... }; or similar if you intend to add packages to /bin."
        lib.throwIf (contents != null && copyToRoot != null) "in docker image ${name}: You can not specify both contents and copyToRoot."

      rootContents = if copyToRoot == null then contents else copyToRoot;

      baseName = baseNameOf name;

      # Create a JSON blob of the configuration. Set the date to unix zero.
      baseJson =
          pure = writeText "${baseName}-config.json" (builtins.toJSON {
            inherit created config architecture;
            preferLocalBuild = true;
            os = "linux";
          impure = runCommand "${baseName}-config.json"
              nativeBuildInputs = [ jq ];
              preferLocalBuild = true;
              jq ".created = \"$(TZ=utc date --iso-8601="seconds")\"" ${pure} > $out
        if created == "now" then impure else pure;

      compress = compressorForImage compressor name;

      layer =
        if runAsRoot == null
              name = baseName;
              inherit baseJson keepContentsDirlinks extraCommands uid gid;
              copyToRoot = rootContents;
            } else
          mkRootLayer {
            name = baseName;
            inherit baseJson fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag
              keepContentsDirlinks runAsRoot diskSize buildVMMemorySize
            copyToRoot = rootContents;
      result = runCommand "docker-image-${baseName}.tar${compress.ext}"
          nativeBuildInputs = [ jshon jq moreutils ] ++ compress.nativeInputs;
          # Image name must be lowercase
          imageName = lib.toLower name;
          imageTag = lib.optionalString (tag != null) tag;
          inherit fromImage baseJson;
          layerClosure = writeClosure [ layer ];
          passthru.buildArgs = args;
          passthru.layer = layer;
          passthru.imageTag =
            if tag != null
            then tag
              lib.head (lib.strings.splitString "-" (baseNameOf (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext result.outPath)));
        } ''
        ${lib.optionalString (tag == null) ''
          outName="$(basename "$out")"
          outHash=$(echo "$outName" | cut -d - -f 1)


        # Print tar contents:
        # 1: Interpreted as relative to the root directory
        # 2: With no trailing slashes on directories
        # This is useful for ensuring that the output matches the
        # values generated by the "find" command
        ls_tar() {
          for f in $(tar -tf $1 | xargs realpath -ms --relative-to=.); do
            if [[ "$f" != "." ]]; then
              echo "/$f"

        mkdir image
        touch baseFiles
        if [[ -n "$fromImage" ]]; then
          echo "Unpacking base image..."
          tar -C image -xpf "$fromImage"

          # Store the layers and the environment variables from the base image
          cat ./image/manifest.json  | jq -r '.[0].Layers | .[]' > layer-list
          configName="$(cat ./image/manifest.json | jq -r '.[0].Config')"
          baseEnvs="$(cat "./image/$configName" | jq '.config.Env // []')"

          # Extract the parentID from the manifest
          if [[ -n "$fromImageName" ]] && [[ -n "$fromImageTag" ]]; then
              cat "image/manifest.json" |
                jq -r '.[] | select(.RepoTags | contains([$desiredTag])) | rtrimstr(".json")' \
                  --arg desiredTag "$fromImageName:$fromImageTag"
            echo "From-image name or tag wasn't set. Reading the first ID."
            parentID="$(cat "image/manifest.json" | jq -r '.[0].Config | rtrimstr(".json")')"

          # Otherwise do not import the base image configuration and manifest
          chmod a+w image image/*.json
          rm -f image/*.json

          for l in image/*/layer.tar; do
            ls_tar $l >> baseFiles
          touch layer-list

        chmod -R ug+rw image

        mkdir temp
        cp ${layer}/* temp/
        chmod ug+w temp/*

        for dep in $(cat $layerClosure); do
          find $dep >> layerFiles

        echo "Adding layer..."
        # Record the contents of the tarball with ls_tar.
        ls_tar temp/layer.tar >> baseFiles

        # Append nix/store directory to the layer so that when the layer is loaded in the
        # image /nix/store has read permissions for non-root users.
        # nix/store is added only if the layer has /nix/store paths in it.
        if [ $(wc -l < $layerClosure) -gt 1 ] && [ $(grep -c -e "^/nix/store$" baseFiles) -eq 0 ]; then
          mkdir -p nix/store
          chmod -R 555 nix
          echo "./nix" >> layerFiles
          echo "./nix/store" >> layerFiles

        # Get the files in the new layer which were *not* present in
        # the old layer, and record them as newFiles.
        comm <(sort -n baseFiles|uniq) \
             <(sort -n layerFiles|uniq|grep -v ${layer}) -1 -3 > newFiles
        # Append the new files to the layer.
        tar -rpf temp/layer.tar --hard-dereference --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
          --owner=0 --group=0 --no-recursion --verbatim-files-from --files-from newFiles

        echo "Adding meta..."

        # If we have a parentID, add it to the json metadata.
        if [[ -n "$parentID" ]]; then
          cat temp/json | jshon -s "$parentID" -i parent > tmpjson
          mv tmpjson temp/json

        # Take the sha256 sum of the generated json and use it as the layer ID.
        # Compute the size and add it to the json under the 'Size' field.
        layerID=$(sha256sum temp/json|cut -d ' ' -f 1)
        size=$(stat --printf="%s" temp/layer.tar)
        cat temp/json | jshon -s "$layerID" -i id -n $size -i Size > tmpjson
        mv tmpjson temp/json

        # Use the temp folder we've been working on to create a new image.
        mv temp image/$layerID

        # Add the new layer ID to the end of the layer list
          cat layer-list
          # originally this used `sed -i "1i$layerID" layer-list`, but
          # would fail if layer-list was completely empty.
          echo "$layerID/layer.tar"
        ) | sponge layer-list

        # Create image json and image manifest
        imageJson=$(cat ${baseJson} | jq '.config.Env = $baseenv + .config.Env' --argjson baseenv "$baseEnvs")
        imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ". + {\"rootfs\": {\"diff_ids\": [], \"type\": \"layers\"}}")
        manifestJson=$(jq -n "[{\"RepoTags\":[\"$imageName:$imageTag\"]}]")

        for layerTar in $(cat ./layer-list); do
          layerChecksum=$(sha256sum image/$layerTar | cut -d ' ' -f1)
          imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ".history |= . + [{\"created\": \"$(jq -r .created ${baseJson})\"}]")
          # diff_ids order is from the bottom-most to top-most layer
          imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ".rootfs.diff_ids |= . + [\"sha256:$layerChecksum\"]")
          manifestJson=$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq ".[0].Layers |= . + [\"$layerTar\"]")

        imageJsonChecksum=$(echo "$imageJson" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
        echo "$imageJson" > "image/$imageJsonChecksum.json"
        manifestJson=$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq ".[0].Config = \"$imageJsonChecksum.json\"")
        echo "$manifestJson" > image/manifest.json

        # Store the json under the name image/repositories.
        jshon -n object \
          -n object -s "$layerID" -i "$imageTag" \
          -i "$imageName" > image/repositories

        # Make the image read-only.
        chmod -R a-w image

        echo "Cooking the image..."
        tar -C image --hard-dereference --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=0 --group=0 --xform s:'^./':: -c . | ${compress.compress} > $out

        echo "Finished."

    checked result

  # Merge the tarballs of images built with buildImage into a single
  # tarball that contains all images. Running `docker load` on the resulting
  # tarball will load the images into the docker daemon.
  mergeImages = images: runCommand "merge-docker-images"
      inherit images;
      nativeBuildInputs = [ file jq ]
        ++ compressors.none.nativeInputs
        ++ compressors.gz.nativeInputs
        ++ compressors.zstd.nativeInputs;
    } ''
    mkdir image inputs
    # Extract images
    for item in $images; do
      name=$(basename $item)
      mkdir inputs/$name

      last_image_mime=$(file --mime-type -b $item)
      case $last_image_mime in
        "application/x-tar") ${compressors.none.decompress};;
        "application/zstd") ${compressors.zstd.decompress};;
        "application/gzip") ${compressors.gz.decompress};;
        *) echo "error: unexpected layer type $last_image_mime" >&2; exit 1;;
      esac < $item | tar -xC inputs/$name

      if [ -f inputs/$name/repositories ]; then
      if [ -f inputs/$name/manifest.json ]; then
    # Copy all layers from input images to output image directory
    cp -R --update=none inputs/*/* image/
    # Merge repositories objects and manifests
    jq -s add "''${repos[@]}" > repositories
    jq -s add "''${manifests[@]}" > manifest.json
    # Replace output image repositories and manifest with merged versions
    mv repositories image/repositories
    mv manifest.json image/manifest.json
    # Create tarball and gzip
    tar -C image --hard-dereference --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=0 --group=0 --xform s:'^./':: -c . | (
      case $last_image_mime in
        "application/x-tar") ${compressors.none.compress};;
        "application/zstd") ${compressors.zstd.compress};;
        "application/gzip") ${compressors.gz.compress};;
        # `*)` not needed; already checked.
    ) > $out

  # Provide a /etc/passwd and /etc/group that contain root and nobody.
  # Useful when packaging binaries that insist on using nss to look up
  # username/groups (like nginx).
  # /bin/sh is fine to not exist, and provided by another shim.
  inherit fakeNss; # alias

  # This provides a /usr/bin/env, for shell scripts using the
  # "#!/usr/bin/env executable" shebang.
  usrBinEnv = runCommand "usr-bin-env" { } ''
    mkdir -p $out/usr/bin
    ln -s ${coreutils}/bin/env $out/usr/bin

  # This provides /bin/sh, pointing to bashInteractive.
  # The use of bashInteractive here is intentional to support cases like `docker run -it <image_name>`, so keep these use cases in mind if making any changes to how this works.
  binSh = runCommand "bin-sh" { } ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    ln -s ${bashInteractive}/bin/bash $out/bin/sh

  # This provides the ca bundle in common locations
  caCertificates = runCommand "ca-certificates" { } ''
    mkdir -p $out/etc/ssl/certs $out/etc/pki/tls/certs
    # Old NixOS compatibility.
    ln -s ${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt $out/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
    # NixOS canonical location + Debian/Ubuntu/Arch/Gentoo compatibility.
    ln -s ${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt $out/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    # CentOS/Fedora compatibility.
    ln -s ${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt $out/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

  # Build an image and populate its nix database with the provided
  # contents. The main purpose is to be able to use nix commands in
  # the container.
  # Be careful since this doesn't work well with multilayer.
  # TODO: add the dependencies of the config json.
  buildImageWithNixDb = args@{ copyToRoot ? contents, contents ? null, extraCommands ? "", ... }: (
    buildImage (args // {
      extraCommands = (mkDbExtraCommand copyToRoot) + extraCommands;

  # TODO: add the dependencies of the config json.
  buildLayeredImageWithNixDb = args@{ contents ? null, extraCommands ? "", ... }: (
    buildLayeredImage (args // {
      extraCommands = (mkDbExtraCommand contents) + extraCommands;

  # Arguments are documented in ../../../doc/build-helpers/images/dockertools.section.md
  streamLayeredImage = lib.makeOverridable (
    , tag ? null
    , fromImage ? null
    , contents ? [ ]
    , config ? { }
    , architecture ? defaultArchitecture
    , created ? "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"
    , uid ? 0
    , gid ? 0
    , uname ? "root"
    , gname ? "root"
    , maxLayers ? 100
    , extraCommands ? ""
    , fakeRootCommands ? ""
    , enableFakechroot ? false
    , includeStorePaths ? true
    , passthru ? {}
      (lib.assertMsg (maxLayers > 1)
        "the maxLayers argument of dockerTools.buildLayeredImage function must be greather than 1 (current value: ${toString maxLayers})");
        baseName = baseNameOf name;

        streamScript = writePython3 "stream" { } ./stream_layered_image.py;
        baseJson = writeText "${baseName}-base.json" (builtins.toJSON {
          inherit config architecture;
          os = "linux";

        contentsList = if builtins.isList contents then contents else [ contents ];
        bind-paths = builtins.toString (builtins.map (path: "--bind=${path}:${path}!") [

        # We store the customisation layer as a tarball, to make sure that
        # things like permissions set on 'extraCommands' are not overridden
        # by Nix. Then we precompute the sha256 for performance.
        customisationLayer = symlinkJoin {
          name = "${baseName}-customisation-layer";
          paths = contentsList;
          inherit extraCommands fakeRootCommands;
          nativeBuildInputs = [
          ] ++ optionals enableFakechroot [
          postBuild = ''
            mv $out old_out
            (cd old_out; eval "$extraCommands" )

            mkdir $out
            ${if enableFakechroot then ''
              proot -r $PWD/old_out ${bind-paths} --pwd=/ fakeroot bash -c '
                source $stdenv/setup
                eval "$fakeRootCommands"
                tar \
                  --sort name \
                  --exclude=./proc \
                  --exclude=./sys \
                  --exclude=.${builtins.storeDir} \
                  --numeric-owner --mtime "@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
                  --hard-dereference \
                  -cf $out/layer.tar .
            '' else ''
              fakeroot bash -c '
                source $stdenv/setup
                cd old_out
                eval "$fakeRootCommands"
                tar \
                  --sort name \
                  --numeric-owner --mtime "@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
                  --hard-dereference \
                  -cf $out/layer.tar .
            sha256sum $out/layer.tar \
              | cut -f 1 -d ' ' \
              > $out/checksum

        closureRoots = lib.optionals includeStorePaths /* normally true */ (
          [ baseJson customisationLayer ]
        overallClosure = writeText "closure" (lib.concatStringsSep " " closureRoots);

        # These derivations are only created as implementation details of docker-tools,
        # so they'll be excluded from the created images.
        unnecessaryDrvs = [ baseJson overallClosure customisationLayer ];

        conf = runCommand "${baseName}-conf.json"
            inherit fromImage maxLayers created uid gid uname gname;
            imageName = lib.toLower name;
            preferLocalBuild = true;
            passthru.imageTag =
              if tag != null
              then tag
                lib.head (lib.strings.splitString "-" (baseNameOf (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext conf.outPath)));
            paths = buildPackages.referencesByPopularity overallClosure;
            nativeBuildInputs = [ jq ];
          } ''
          ${if (tag == null) then ''
            outName="$(basename "$out")"
            outHash=$(echo "$outName" | cut -d - -f 1)

          '' else ''

          # convert "created" to iso format
          if [[ "$created" != "now" ]]; then
              created="$(date -Iseconds -d "$created")"

          paths() {
            cat $paths ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " "
                           (path: "| (grep -v ${path} || true)")

          # Compute the number of layers that are already used by a potential
          # 'fromImage' as well as the customization layer. Ensure that there is
          # still at least one layer available to store the image contents.

          # subtract number of base image layers
          if [[ -n "$fromImage" ]]; then
            (( usedLayers += $(tar -xOf "$fromImage" manifest.json | jq '.[0].Layers | length') ))

          # one layer will be taken up by the customisation layer
          (( usedLayers += 1 ))

          if ! (( $usedLayers < $maxLayers )); then
            echo >&2 "Error: usedLayers $usedLayers layers to store 'fromImage' and" \
                      "'extraCommands', but only maxLayers=$maxLayers were" \
                      "allowed. At least 1 layer is required to store contents."
            exit 1
          availableLayers=$(( maxLayers - usedLayers ))

          # Create $maxLayers worth of Docker Layers, one layer per store path
          # unless there are more paths than $maxLayers. In that case, create
          # $maxLayers-1 for the most popular layers, and smush the remainaing
          # store paths in to one final layer.
          # The following code is fiddly w.r.t. ensuring every layer is
          # created, and that no paths are missed. If you change the
          # following lines, double-check that your code behaves properly
          # when the number of layers equals:
          #      maxLayers-1, maxLayers, and maxLayers+1, 0
          paths |
            jq -sR '
              rtrimstr("\n") | split("\n")
                | (.[:$maxLayers-1] | map([.])) + [ .[$maxLayers-1:] ]
                | map(select(length > 0))
              ' \
              --argjson maxLayers "$availableLayers" > store_layers.json

          # The index on $store_layers is necessary because the --slurpfile
          # automatically reads the file as an array.
          cat ${baseJson} | jq '
            . + {
              "store_dir": $store_dir,
              "from_image": $from_image,
              "store_layers": $store_layers[0],
              "customisation_layer", $customisation_layer,
              "repo_tag": $repo_tag,
              "created": $created,
              "uid": $uid,
              "gid": $gid,
              "uname": $uname,
              "gname": $gname
            ' --arg store_dir "${storeDir}" \
              --argjson from_image ${if fromImage == null then "null" else "'\"${fromImage}\"'"} \
              --slurpfile store_layers store_layers.json \
              --arg customisation_layer ${customisationLayer} \
              --arg repo_tag "$imageName:$imageTag" \
              --arg created "$created" \
              --arg uid "$uid" \
              --arg gid "$gid" \
              --arg uname "$uname" \
              --arg gname "$gname" |
            tee $out

        result = runCommand "stream-${baseName}"
            inherit (conf) imageName;
            preferLocalBuild = true;
            passthru = passthru // {
              inherit (conf) imageTag;

              # Distinguish tarballs and exes at the Nix level so functions that
              # take images can know in advance how the image is supposed to be used.
              isExe = true;
            nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
          } ''
          makeWrapper ${streamScript} $out --add-flags ${conf}

  # This function streams a docker image that behaves like a nix-shell for a derivation
  streamNixShellImage =
    { # The derivation whose environment this docker image should be based on
    , # Image Name
      name ? drv.name + "-env"
    , # Image tag, the Nix's output hash will be used if null
      tag ? null
    , # User id to run the container as. Defaults to 1000, because many
      # binaries don't like to be run as root
      uid ? 1000
    , # Group id to run the container as, see also uid
      gid ? 1000
    , # The home directory of the user
      homeDirectory ? "/build"
    , # The path to the bash binary to use as the shell. See `NIX_BUILD_SHELL` in `man nix-shell`
      shell ? bashInteractive + "/bin/bash"
    , # Run this command in the environment of the derivation, in an interactive shell. See `--command` in `man nix-shell`
      command ? null
    , # Same as `command`, but runs the command in a non-interactive shell instead. See `--run` in `man nix-shell`
      run ? null
      assert lib.assertMsg (! (drv.drvAttrs.__structuredAttrs or false))
        "streamNixShellImage: Does not work with the derivation ${drv.name} because it uses __structuredAttrs";
      assert lib.assertMsg (command == null || run == null)
        "streamNixShellImage: Can't specify both command and run";

        # A binary that calls the command to build the derivation
        builder = writeShellScriptBin "buildDerivation" ''
          exec ${lib.escapeShellArg (stringValue drv.drvAttrs.builder)} ${lib.escapeShellArgs (map stringValue drv.drvAttrs.args)}

        staticPath = "${dirOf shell}:${lib.makeBinPath [ builder ]}";

        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L493-L526
        rcfile = writeText "nix-shell-rc" ''
          unset PATH
          # TODO: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L506
          [ -e $stdenv/setup ] && source $stdenv/setup
          SHELL=${lib.escapeShellArg shell}
          BASH=${lib.escapeShellArg shell}
          set +e
          [ -n "$PS1" -a -z "$NIX_SHELL_PRESERVE_PROMPT" ] && PS1='\n\[\033[1;32m\][nix-shell:\w]\$\[\033[0m\] '
          if [ "$(type -t runHook)" = function ]; then
            runHook shellHook
          unset NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY
          shopt -u nullglob
          shopt -s execfail
          ${optionalString (command != null || run != null) ''
            ${optionalString (command != null) command}
            ${optionalString (run != null) run}

        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/globals.hh#L464-L465
        sandboxBuildDir = "/build";

        # This function closely mirrors what this Nix code does:
        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L1102
        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L1981-L2036
        stringValue = value:
          # We can't just use `toString` on all derivation attributes because that
          # would not put path literals in the closure. So we explicitly copy
          # those into the store here
          if builtins.typeOf value == "path" then "${value}"
          else if builtins.typeOf value == "list" then toString (map stringValue value)
          else toString value;

        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L992-L1004
        drvEnv = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value:
          let str = stringValue value;
          in if lib.elem name (drv.drvAttrs.passAsFile or [])
          then lib.nameValuePair "${name}Path" (writeText "pass-as-text-${name}" str)
          else lib.nameValuePair name str
        ) drv.drvAttrs //
          # A mapping from output name to the nix store path where they should end up
          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L1253
          lib.genAttrs drv.outputs (output: builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext drv.${output}.outPath);

        # Environment variables set in the image
        envVars = {

          # Root certificates for internet access
          SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
          NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1027-L1030
          # PATH = "/path-not-set";
          # Allows calling bash and `buildDerivation` as the Cmd
          PATH = staticPath;

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1032-L1038
          HOME = homeDirectory;

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1040-L1044
          NIX_STORE = storeDir;

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1046-L1047
          # TODO: Make configurable?
          NIX_BUILD_CORES = "1";

        } // drvEnv // {

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1008-L1010
          NIX_BUILD_TOP = sandboxBuildDir;

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1012-L1013
          TMPDIR = sandboxBuildDir;
          TEMPDIR = sandboxBuildDir;
          TMP = sandboxBuildDir;
          TEMP = sandboxBuildDir;

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1015-L1019
          PWD = sandboxBuildDir;

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1071-L1074
          # We don't set it here because the output here isn't handled in any special way
          # NIX_LOG_FD = "2";

          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1076-L1077
          TERM = "xterm-256color";

      in streamLayeredImage {
        inherit name tag;
        contents = [
          (fakeNss.override {
            # Allows programs to look up the build user's home directory
            # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/ffe155abd36366a870482625543f9bf924a58281/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L906-L910
            # Slightly differs however: We use the passed-in homeDirectory instead of sandboxBuildDir.
            # We're doing this because it's arguably a bug in Nix that sandboxBuildDir is used here: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/6379
            extraPasswdLines = [
              "nixbld:x:${toString uid}:${toString gid}:Build user:${homeDirectory}:/noshell"
            extraGroupLines = [
              "nixbld:!:${toString gid}:"

        fakeRootCommands = ''
          # Effectively a single-user installation of Nix, giving the user full
          # control over the Nix store. Needed for building the derivation this
          # shell is for, but also in case one wants to use Nix inside the
          # image
          mkdir -p ./nix/{store,var/nix} ./etc/nix
          chown -R ${toString uid}:${toString gid} ./nix ./etc/nix

          # Gives the user control over the build directory
          mkdir -p .${sandboxBuildDir}
          chown -R ${toString uid}:${toString gid} .${sandboxBuildDir}

        # Run this image as the given uid/gid
        config.User = "${toString uid}:${toString gid}";
        config.Cmd =
          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L185-L186
          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L534-L536
          if run == null
          then [ shell "--rcfile" rcfile ]
          else [ shell rcfile ];
        config.WorkingDir = sandboxBuildDir;
        config.Env = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: "${name}=${value}") envVars;

  # Wrapper around streamNixShellImage to build an image from the result
  buildNixShellImage = { drv, compressor ? "gz", ... }@args:
      stream = streamNixShellImage (builtins.removeAttrs args ["compressor"]);
      compress = compressorForImage compressor drv.name;
    runCommand "${drv.name}-env.tar${compress.ext}"
        inherit (stream) imageName;
        passthru = { inherit (stream) imageTag; };
        nativeBuildInputs = compress.nativeInputs;
      } "${stream} | ${compress.compress} > $out";