let # imports lib = import ../1_lib; in let # package info builtins = lib.builtins; static = lib.loadStatic ./.; in (system: let thisSetup = static.setup.osSpecific.${system}; bootstrapFiles = { bootstrapTools = builtins.fetchurl { url = thisSetup.stdFetchurls.bootstrapTools.url; }; unpack = builtins.fetchurl { url = thisSetup.stdFetchurls.unpack.url; }; }; pathValue = lib.makeBinPath [ "/nix/store${(builtins.placeholder "out")}" bootstrapFiles.unpack ]; in builtins.derivation { system = system; name = static.packageInfo.name; builder = "${bootstrapFiles.unpack}/bin/bash"; args = [ "${bootstrapFiles.unpack}/bootstrap-tools-unpack.sh" bootstrapFiles.bootstrapTools ]; PATH = pathValue; __impureHostDeps = [ "/bin/sh" "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" "/usr/lib/system/libunc.dylib" # This dependency is "hidden", so our scanning code doesn't pick it up ]; # TODO: test if these work. Note: if youre reading this years later, remove this and the commented out code below # __contentAddressed = true; # outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; # outputHashMode = "recursive"; } )