add WIP trivial

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Hykin 2024-05-25 13:19:19 -04:00
parent 0911efe6d2
commit 6ce2f22854

View file

@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
foundation = import ./detangled/1_foundation.nix;
static = import ./detangled/2_static.nix;
# FIXME: this file is currently broken because it depends on the following:
# lib.pathIsGitRepo
# lib.commitIdFromGitRepo
# lib.fileContents
# lib.subtractLists
# lib.concatMapStrings
isFunction = foundation.isFunction;
functionArgs = foundation.functionArgs;
in {
# Pull in some builtins for backwards compatibility (ideally would be deprecated and people would use lib.builtins.THING)
pathExists = builtins.pathExists;
readFile = builtins.readFile;
isBool = builtins.isBool;
isInt = builtins.isInt;
isFloat = builtins.isFloat;
add = builtins.add;
sub = builtins.sub;
lessThan = builtins.lessThan;
seq = builtins.seq;
deepSeq = builtins.deepSeq;
genericClosure = builtins.genericClosure;
bitAnd = builtins.bitAnd;
bitOr = builtins.bitOr;
bitXor = builtins.bitXor;
# static stuff
release = static.setup.release;
codeName = static.setup.codeName;
versionSuffix = static.setup.versionSuffix;
oldestSupportedRelease = static.setup.oldestSupportedRelease;
version = static.setup.release + static.setup.versionSuffix;
# helpers that are from foundation
functionArgs = foundation.functionArgs;
isFunction = foundation.isFunction;
setFunctionArgs = foundation.setFunctionArgs;
warn = foundation.warn;
throwIfNot = foundation.throwIfNot;
id =;
const = foundation.const;
pipe = foundation.pipe;
concat = foundation.concat;
and = foundation.and;
xor = foundation.xor;
bitNot = foundation.bitNot;
boolToString = foundation.boolToString;
mergeAttrs = foundation.mergeAttrs;
flip = foundation.flip;
mapNullable = foundation.mapNullable;
or = foundation.logicalOr; # different name mapping because of "or" being a keyword
Whether a feature is supported in all supported releases (at the time of
release branch-off, if applicable). See `oldestSupportedRelease`.
# Inputs
: Release number of feature introduction as an integer, e.g. 2111 for 21.11.
Set it to the upcoming release, matching the nixpkgs/.version file.
isInOldestRelease =
release <= static.setup.oldestSupportedRelease;
Attempts to return the the current revision of nixpkgs and
returns the supplied default value otherwise.
# Inputs
: Default value to return if revision can not be determined
# Type
revisionWithDefault :: string -> string
revisionWithDefault =
revisionFile = "${toString ./..}/.git-revision";
gitRepo = "${toString ./..}/.git";
in if lib.pathIsGitRepo gitRepo
then lib.commitIdFromGitRepo gitRepo
else if builtins.pathExists revisionFile then lib.fileContents revisionFile
else default;
nixpkgsVersion = foundation.warn "lib.nixpkgsVersion is a deprecated alias of lib.version." (static.setup.release + static.setup.versionSuffix);
Determine whether the function is being called from inside a Nix
# Type
inNixShell :: bool
inNixShell = builtins.getEnv "IN_NIX_SHELL" != "";
Determine whether the function is being called from inside pure-eval mode
by seeing whether `builtins` contains `currentSystem`. If not, we must be in
pure-eval mode.
# Type
inPureEvalMode :: bool
inPureEvalMode = ! builtins ? currentSystem;
## Integer operations
Return minimum of two numbers.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
min = x: y: if x < y then x else y;
Return maximum of two numbers.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
max = x: y: if x > y then x else y;
Integer modulus
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
# Examples
## `lib.trivial.mod` usage example
mod 11 10
=> 1
mod 1 10
=> 1
mod = base: int: base - (int * (builtins.div base int));
## Comparisons
C-style comparisons
a < b, compare a b => -1
a == b, compare a b => 0
a > b, compare a b => 1
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
compare = a: b:
if a < b
then -1
else if a > b
then 1
else 0;
Split type into two subtypes by predicate `p`, take all elements
of the first subtype to be less than all the elements of the
second subtype, compare elements of a single subtype with `yes`
and `no` respectively.
# Inputs
: Predicate
: Comparison function if predicate holds for both values
: Comparison function if predicate holds for neither value
: First value to compare
: Second value to compare
# Type
(a -> bool) -> (a -> a -> int) -> (a -> a -> int) -> (a -> a -> int)
# Examples
## `lib.trivial.splitByAndCompare` usage example
let cmp = splitByAndCompare (hasPrefix "foo") compare compare; in
cmp "a" "z" => -1
cmp "fooa" "fooz" => -1
cmp "f" "a" => 1
cmp "fooa" "a" => -1
# while
compare "fooa" "a" => 1
splitByAndCompare =
p: yes: no: a: b:
if p a
then if p b then yes a b else -1
else if p b then 1 else no a b;
Reads a JSON file.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
# Type
importJSON :: path -> any
importJSON = path:
builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile path);
Reads a TOML file.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
# Type
importTOML :: path -> any
importTOML = path:
builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile path);
## Warnings
Like warn, but only warn when the first argument is `true`.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
: Value to return as-is.
# Type
bool -> string -> a -> a
warnIf = cond: msg: if cond then warn msg else x: x;
Like warnIf, but negated (warn if the first argument is `false`).
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
: Value to return as-is.
# Type
bool -> string -> a -> a
warnIfNot = cond: msg: if cond then x: x else warn msg;
Like throwIfNot, but negated (throw if the first argument is `true`).
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
# Type
bool -> string -> a -> a
throwIf = cond: msg: if cond then throw msg else x: x;
Check if the elements in a list are valid values from a enum, returning the identity function, or throwing an error message otherwise.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
: 3\. Function argument
# Type
String -> List ComparableVal -> List ComparableVal -> a -> a
# Examples
## `lib.trivial.checkListOfEnum` usage example
let colorVariants = ["bright" "dark" "black"]
in checkListOfEnum "color variants" [ "standard" "light" "dark" ] colorVariants;
error: color variants: bright, black unexpected; valid ones: standard, light, dark
checkListOfEnum = msg: valid: given:
unexpected = lib.subtractLists valid given;
foundation.throwIfNot (unexpected == [])
"${msg}: ${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " ( builtins.toString unexpected)} unexpected; valid ones: ${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " ( builtins.toString valid)}";
info = msg: builtins.trace "INFO: ${msg}";
showWarnings = warnings: res: foundation.foldr (w: x: warn w x) res warnings;
## Function annotations
`mirrorFunctionArgs f g` creates a new function `g'` with the same behavior as `g` (`g' x == g x`)
but its function arguments mirroring `f` (`lib.functionArgs g' == lib.functionArgs f`).
# Inputs
: Function to provide the argument metadata
: Function to set the argument metadata to
# Type
mirrorFunctionArgs :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> (a -> c)
# Examples
## `lib.trivial.mirrorFunctionArgs` usage example
addab = {a, b}: a + b
addab { a = 2; b = 4; }
=> 6
lib.functionArgs addab
=> { a = false; b = false; }
addab1 = attrs: addab attrs + 1
addab1 { a = 2; b = 4; }
=> 7
lib.functionArgs addab1
=> { }
addab1' = lib.mirrorFunctionArgs addab addab1
addab1' { a = 2; b = 4; }
=> 7
lib.functionArgs addab1'
=> { a = false; b = false; }
mirrorFunctionArgs =
fArgs = foundation.functionArgs f;
foundation.setFunctionArgs g fArgs;
Turns any non-callable values into constant functions.
Returns callable values as is.
# Inputs
: Any value
# Examples
## `lib.trivial.toFunction` usage example
nix-repl> lib.toFunction 1 2
nix-repl> lib.toFunction (x: x + 1) 2
toFunction =
if foundation.isFunction v
then v
else k: v;
`toBaseDigits base i` converts the positive integer i to a list of its
digits in the given base. For example:
toBaseDigits 10 123 => [ 1 2 3 ]
toBaseDigits 2 6 => [ 1 1 0 ]
toBaseDigits 16 250 => [ 15 10 ]
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
: 2\. Function argument
toBaseDigits = base: i:
go = i:
if i < base
then [i]
r = i - ((i / base) * base);
q = (i - r) / base;
[r] ++ go q;
assert (builtin.isInt base);
assert (builtin.isInt i);
assert (base >= 2);
assert (i >= 0);
foundation.reverseList (go i);
Convert the given positive integer to a string of its hexadecimal
representation. For example:
toHexString 0 => "0"
toHexString 16 => "10"
toHexString 250 => "FA"
toHexString = let
hexDigits = {
"10" = "A";
"11" = "B";
"12" = "C";
"13" = "D";
"14" = "E";
"15" = "F";
toHexDigit = d:
if d < 10
then toString d
else hexDigits.${toString d};
in i: lib.concatMapStrings toHexDigit (toBaseDigits 16 i);