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2024-05-14 02:37:40 +00:00
{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin;
inherit (pkgs) lib;
self: super: {
# ghcjs does not use `llvmPackages` and exposes `null` attribute.
llvmPackages =
if self.ghc.llvmPackages != null
then pkgs.lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages
else null;
# Disable GHC 8.10.x core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
libiserv = null;
mtl = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
stm = null;
template-haskell = null;
# GHC only builds terminfo if it is a native compiler
terminfo = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform then null else doDistribute self.terminfo_0_4_1_6;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
# GHC only bundles the xhtml library if haddock is enabled, check if this is
# still the case when updating:
xhtml = if self.ghc.hasHaddock or true then null else doDistribute self.xhtml_3000_3_0_0;
# Need the Cabal-syntax- fake package for Cabal < 3.8 to allow callPackage and the constraint solver to work
Cabal-syntax = self.Cabal-syntax_3_6_0_0;
# These core package only exist for GHC >= 9.4. The best we can do is feign
# their existence to callPackages, but their is no shim for lower GHC versions.
system-cxx-std-lib = null;
# For GHC < 9.4, some packages need data-array-byte as an extra dependency
# For GHC < 9.2, os-string is not required.
primitive = addBuildDepends [ ] super.primitive;
hashable = addBuildDepends [
] (super.hashable.override {
os-string = null;
# Too strict lower bounds on base
primitive-addr = doJailbreak super.primitive-addr;
# Pick right versions for GHC-specific packages
ghc-api-compat = doDistribute (unmarkBroken self.ghc-api-compat_8_10_7);
# Needs to use ghc-lib due to incompatible GHC
ghc-tags = doDistribute (addBuildDepend self.ghc-lib self.ghc-tags_1_5);
# Jailbreak to fix the build.
base-noprelude = doJailbreak super.base-noprelude;
unliftio-core = doJailbreak super.unliftio-core;
# Jailbreaking because monoidal-containers hasnt bumped it's base dependency for 8.10.
monoidal-containers = doJailbreak super.monoidal-containers;
# Jailbreak to fix the build.
brick = doJailbreak super.brick;
exact-pi = doJailbreak super.exact-pi;
serialise = doJailbreak super.serialise;
setlocale = doJailbreak super.setlocale;
shellmet = doJailbreak super.shellmet;
shower = doJailbreak super.shower;
# hnix 0.9.0 does not provide an executable for ghc < 8.10, so define completions here for now.
hnix = self.generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions [ "hnix" ]
(overrideCabal (drv: {
# executable is allowed for ghc >= 8.10 and needs repline
executableHaskellDepends = drv.executableToolDepends or [] ++ [ self.repline ];
}) super.hnix);
haskell-language-server = throw "haskell-language-server dropped support for ghc 8.10 in version please use a newer ghc version or an older nixpkgs version";
ghc-lib-parser = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser_9_2_8_20230729;
ghc-lib-parser-ex = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser-ex_9_2_1_1;
ghc-lib = doDistribute self.ghc-lib_9_2_8_20230729;
path-io = doJailbreak super.path-io;
hlint = self.hlint_3_4_1;
mime-string = disableOptimization super.mime-string;
# weeder 2.3.* no longer supports GHC 8.10
weeder = doDistribute (doJailbreak self.weeder_2_2_0);
# Unnecessarily strict upper bound on lens
weeder_2_2_0 = doJailbreak (super.weeder_2_2_0.override {
# weeder < 2.6 only supports algebraic-graphs < 0.7
# We no longer have matching test deps for algebraic-graphs 0.6.1 in the set
algebraic-graphs = dontCheck self.algebraic-graphs_0_6_1;
# Overly-strict bounds introducted by a revision in version 0.3.2.
text-metrics = doJailbreak super.text-metrics;
# Doesn't build with 9.0, see
yi-core = doDistribute (markUnbroken super.yi-core);
# Temporarily disabled blaze-textual for GHC >= 9.0 causing hackage2nix ignoring it
mysql-simple = addBuildDepends [
] super.mysql-simple;
taffybar = markUnbroken (doDistribute super.taffybar);
# (recommend to upgrade to Nixpkgs GHC >=9.0)
inline-c-cpp = (if isDarwin then dontCheck else x: x) super.inline-c-cpp;
# Depends on OneTuple for GHC < 9.0
universe-base = addBuildDepends [ self.OneTuple ] super.universe-base;
# Not possible to build in the main GHC 9.0 package set
spectacle = doDistribute (markUnbroken super.spectacle);
# doctest-parallel dependency requires newer Cabal
regex-tdfa = dontCheck super.regex-tdfa;
# Unnecessarily strict lower bound on base
megaparsec = doJailbreak super.megaparsec;
retrie = dontCheck self.retrie_1_1_0_0;
# Later versions only support GHC >= 9.2
ghc-exactprint = self.ghc-exactprint_0_6_4;
apply-refact = self.apply-refact_0_9_3_0;
# Needs OneTuple for ghc < 9.2
binary-orphans = addBuildDepends [ self.OneTuple ] super.binary-orphans;
# Requires GHC < 9.4
ghc-source-gen = doDistribute (unmarkBroken super.ghc-source-gen);
# No instance for (Show B.Builder) arising from a use of print
http-types = dontCheck super.http-types;
# Packages which need compat library for GHC < 9.6
(_: addBuildDepends [ self.foldable1-classes-compat ])
base-compat-batteries = addBuildDepends [
] super.base-compat-batteries;
# OneTuple needs hashable (instead of ghc-prim) and foldable1-classes-compat for GHC < 9
OneTuple = addBuildDepends [
] (super.OneTuple.override {
ghc-prim = self.hashable;