import base64 import re import socket import ssl import threading from typing import Any, Generator, Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse from buildbot.reporters.base import ReporterBase from import BuildStatusGenerator from buildbot.reporters.message import MessageFormatter from twisted.internet import defer DEBUG = False def _irc_send( server: str, nick: str, channel: str, sasl_password: Optional[str] = None, server_password: Optional[str] = None, tls: bool = True, port: int = 6697, messages: list[str] = [], ) -> None: if not messages: return # don't give a shit about legacy ip sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET6) if tls: sock = ssl.wrap_socket( sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 ) def _send(command: str) -> int: if DEBUG: print(command) return sock.send((f"{command}\r\n").encode()) def _pong(ping: str) -> None: if ping.startswith("PING"): sock.send(ping.replace("PING", "PONG").encode("ascii")) recv_file = sock.makefile(mode="r") print(f"connect {server}:{port}") sock.connect((server, port)) if server_password: _send(f"PASS {server_password}") _send(f"USER {nick} 0 * :{nick}") _send(f"NICK {nick}") for line in recv_file.readline(): if re.match(r"^:[^ ]* (MODE|221|376|422) ", line): break else: _pong(line) if sasl_password: _send("CAP REQ :sasl") _send("AUTHENTICATE PLAIN") auth = base64.encodebytes(f"{nick}\0{nick}\0{sasl_password}".encode("ascii")) _send(f"AUTHENTICATE {auth.decode('ascii')}") _send("CAP END") _send(f"JOIN :{channel}") for m in messages: _send(f"PRIVMSG {channel} :{m}") _send("INFO") for line in recv_file: if DEBUG: print(line, end="") # Assume INFO reply means we are done if "End of /INFO" in line: break else: _pong(line) sock.send(b"QUIT") print("disconnect") sock.close() def irc_send( url: str, notifications: list[str], password: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: parsed = urlparse(f"{url}") username = parsed.username or "prometheus" server = parsed.hostname or "" if parsed.fragment != "": channel = f"#{parsed.fragment}" else: channel = "#krebs-announce" port = parsed.port or 6697 if not password: password = parsed.password if len(notifications) == 0: return # put this in a thread to not block buildbot t = threading.Thread( target=_irc_send, kwargs=dict( server=server, nick=username, sasl_password=password, channel=channel, port=port, messages=notifications, tls=parsed.scheme == "irc+tls", ), ) t.start() subject_template = """\ {{ '☠' if result_names[results] == 'failure' else '☺' if result_names[results] == 'success' else '☝' }} \ {{ build['properties'].get('project', ['whole buildset'])[0] if is_buildset else buildername }} \ - \ {{ build['state_string'] }} \ {{ '(%s)' % (build['properties']['branch'][0] if (build['properties']['branch'] and build['properties']['branch'][0]) else build['properties'].get('got_revision', ['(unknown revision)'])[0]) }} \ ({{ build_url }}) """ # # noqa pylint: disable=line-too-long class NotifyFailedBuilds(ReporterBase): def _generators(self) -> list[BuildStatusGenerator]: formatter = MessageFormatter(template_type="plain", subject=subject_template) return [BuildStatusGenerator(message_formatter=formatter)] def checkConfig(self, url: str) -> None: super().checkConfig(generators=self._generators()) @defer.inlineCallbacks def reconfigService(self, url: str) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: self.url = url yield super().reconfigService(generators=self._generators()) def sendMessage(self, reports: list) -> None: msgs = [] for r in reports: build = r["builds"][0] buildername = build["builder"]["name"] # We don't want to report individual failures here to not spam the channel. if buildername != "nix-eval": continue if build["state_string"] != "build successful": msgs.append(r["subject"]) irc_send(self.url, notifications=msgs)