{ config , pkgs , lib , ... }: let cfg = config.services.buildbot-nix.master; in { options = { services.buildbot-nix.master = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "buildbot-master"; dbUrl = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; default = "postgresql://@/buildbot"; description = "Postgresql database url"; }; github = { tokenFile = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; description = "Github token file"; }; webhookSecretFile = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; description = "Github webhook secret file"; }; oauthSecretFile = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; description = "Github oauth secret file"; }; # TODO: make this an option # https://github.com/organizations/numtide/settings/applications # Application name: BuildBot # Homepage URL: https://buildbot.numtide.com # Authorization callback URL: https://buildbot.numtide.com/auth/login # oauth_token: 2516248ec6289e4d9818122cce0cbde39e4b788d oauthId = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "Github oauth id. Used for the login button"; }; # Most likely you want to use the same user as for the buildbot user = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "Github user that is used for the buildbot"; }; admins = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str; default = [ ]; description = "Users that are allowed to login to buildbot, trigger builds and change settings"; }; topic = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str; default = "build-with-buildbot"; description = '' Projects that have this topic will be built by buildbot. If null, all projects that the buildbot github user has access to, are built. ''; }; }; workersFile = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; description = "File containing a list of nix workers"; }; buildSystems = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str; default = [ pkgs.hostPlatform.system ]; description = "Systems that we will be build"; }; evalMaxMemorySize = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; default = "2048"; description = '' Maximum memory size for nix-eval-jobs (in MiB) per worker. After the limit is reached, the worker is restarted. ''; }; domain = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "Buildbot domain"; example = "buildbot.numtide.com"; }; outputsPath = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.path; description = "Path where we store the latest build store paths names for nix attributes as text files. This path will be exposed via nginx at \${domain}/nix-outputs"; default = null; example = "/var/www/buildbot/nix-outputs"; }; prometheusExporterPort = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.port; default = null; description = "Port where metrics will be served"; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { # By default buildbot uses a normal user, which is not a good default, because # we grant normal users potentially access to other resources. Also # we don't to be able to ssh into buildbot. users.users.buildbot = { isNormalUser = lib.mkForce false; isSystemUser = true; }; services.buildbot-master = { enable = true; # disable example workers from nixpkgs builders = [ ]; schedulers = [ ]; workers = [ ]; home = "/var/lib/buildbot"; extraImports = '' from datetime import timedelta from buildbot_nix import GithubConfig, NixConfigurator ''; extraConfig = '' c["www"]["plugins"] = c["www"].get("plugins", {}) c["www"]["plugins"].update( dict(base_react={}, waterfall_view={}, console_view={}, grid_view={}) ) ${lib.optionalString (cfg.prometheusExporterPort != null) '' c['services'].append(reporters.Prometheus(port=${builtins.toString cfg.prometheusExporterPort})) ''} ''; configurators = [ '' util.JanitorConfigurator(logHorizon=timedelta(weeks=4), hour=12, dayOfWeek=6) '' '' NixConfigurator( github=GithubConfig( oauth_id=${builtins.toJSON cfg.github.oauthId}, admins=${builtins.toJSON cfg.github.admins}, buildbot_user=${builtins.toJSON cfg.github.user}, topic=${builtins.toJSON cfg.github.topic}, ), url=${builtins.toJSON config.services.buildbot-master.buildbotUrl}, nix_eval_max_memory_size=${builtins.toJSON cfg.evalMaxMemorySize}, nix_supported_systems=${builtins.toJSON cfg.buildSystems}, outputs_path=${if cfg.outputsPath == null then "None" else builtins.toJSON cfg.outputsPath}, ) '' ]; buildbotUrl = let host = config.services.nginx.virtualHosts.${cfg.domain}; hasSSL = host.forceSSL || host.addSSL; in "${if hasSSL then "https" else "http"}://${cfg.domain}/"; dbUrl = config.services.buildbot-nix.master.dbUrl; package = (pkgs.buildbot.overrideAttrs (old: { patches = old.patches ++ [ ./0001-allow-secrets-to-be-group-readable.patch ]; })); pythonPackages = ps: [ ps.requests ps.treq ps.psycopg2 (ps.toPythonModule pkgs.buildbot-worker) pkgs.buildbot-plugins.www pkgs.buildbot-plugins.www-react pkgs.buildbot-plugins.console-view pkgs.buildbot-plugins.waterfall-view pkgs.buildbot-plugins.grid-view pkgs.buildbot-plugins.wsgi-dashboards pkgs.buildbot-plugins.badges (pkgs.python3.pkgs.callPackage ../default.nix { }) ] ++ lib.optional (cfg.prometheusExporterPort != null) (ps.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "buildbot-prometheus"; version = "0c81a89bbe34628362652fbea416610e215b5d1e"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "claws"; repo = "buildbot-prometheus"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-bz2Nv2RZ44i1VoPvQ/XjGMfTT6TmW6jhEVwItPk23SM="; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ ps.prometheus-client ]; doCheck = false; }); }; systemd.services.buildbot-master = { after = [ "postgresql.service" ]; serviceConfig = { # in master.py we read secrets from $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY LoadCredential = [ "github-token:${cfg.github.tokenFile}" "github-webhook-secret:${cfg.github.webhookSecretFile}" "github-oauth-secret:${cfg.github.oauthSecretFile}" "buildbot-nix-workers:${cfg.workersFile}" ]; }; }; services.postgresql = { enable = true; ensureDatabases = [ "buildbot" ]; ensureUsers = [ { name = "buildbot"; ensurePermissions."DATABASE buildbot" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; } ]; }; services.nginx.enable = true; services.nginx.virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = { locations = { "/".proxyPass = "${builtins.toString config.services.buildbot-master.port}/"; "/sse" = { proxyPass = "${builtins.toString config.services.buildbot-master.port}/sse"; # proxy buffering will prevent sse to work extraConfig = "proxy_buffering off;"; }; "/ws" = { proxyPass = "${builtins.toString config.services.buildbot-master.port}/ws"; proxyWebsockets = true; # raise the proxy timeout for the websocket extraConfig = "proxy_read_timeout 6000s;"; }; } // lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.outputsPath != null) { "/nix-outputs".root = cfg.outputsPath; }; }; # Allow buildbot-master to write to this directory systemd.tmpfiles.rules = lib.optional (cfg.outputsPath != null) "d ${cfg.outputsPath} 0755 buildbot buildbot - -"; }; }