{ config , pkgs , lib , ... }: let cfg = config.services.buildbot-nix.worker; home = "/var/lib/buildbot-worker"; buildbotDir = "${home}/worker"; python = cfg.package.pythonModule; in { options = { services.buildbot-nix.worker = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "buildbot-worker"; package = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.package; default = pkgs.buildbot-worker; defaultText = "pkgs.buildbot-worker"; description = "The buildbot-worker package to use."; }; masterUrl = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; default = "tcp:host=localhost:port=9989"; description = "The buildbot master url."; }; workerPasswordFile = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "The buildbot worker password file."; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { nix.settings.allowed-users = [ "buildbot-worker" ]; users.users.buildbot-worker = { description = "Buildbot Worker User."; isSystemUser = true; createHome = true; inherit home; group = "buildbot-worker"; useDefaultShell = true; }; users.groups.buildbot-worker = { }; systemd.services.buildbot-worker = { reloadIfChanged = true; description = "Buildbot Worker."; after = [ "network.target" "buildbot-master.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = [ pkgs.cachix pkgs.git pkgs.openssh pkgs.gh pkgs.nix ]; environment.PYTHONPATH = "${python.withPackages (_: [cfg.package])}/${python.sitePackages}"; environment.MASTER_URL = ''tcp:host=localhost:port=9989''; environment.BUILDBOT_DIR = buildbotDir; environment.WORKER_PASSWORD_FILE = cfg.workerPasswordFile; serviceConfig = { Type = "simple"; User = "buildbot-worker"; Group = "buildbot-worker"; WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/buildbot-worker"; # Restart buildbot with a delay. This time way we can use buildbot to deploy itself. ExecReload = "+${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemd-run --on-active=60 ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl restart buildbot-worker"; ExecStart = "${python.pkgs.twisted}/bin/twistd --nodaemon --pidfile= --logfile - --python ${../buildbot_nix}/worker.py"; }; }; }; }