import json import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys from import Iterator from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from typing import IO, Any from .options import EffectsOptions def run( cmd: list[str], stdin: int | IO[str] | None = None, stdout: int | IO[str] | None = None, stderr: int | IO[str] | None = None, verbose: bool = True, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]: if verbose: print("$", shlex.join(cmd), file=sys.stderr) return cmd, check=True, text=True, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, ) def git_command(args: list[str], path: Path) -> str: cmd = ["git", "-C", str(path), *args] proc = run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return proc.stdout.strip() def get_git_rev(path: Path) -> str: return git_command(["rev-parse", "--verify", "HEAD"], path) def get_git_branch(path: Path) -> str: return git_command(["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], path) def get_git_remote_url(path: Path) -> str | None: try: return git_command(["remote", "get-url", "origin"], path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None def git_get_tag(path: Path, rev: str) -> str | None: tags = git_command(["tag", "--points-at", rev], path) if tags: return tags.splitlines()[1] return None def effects_args(opts: EffectsOptions) -> dict[str, Any]: rev = opts.rev or get_git_rev(opts.path) short_rev = rev[:7] branch = opts.branch or get_git_branch(opts.path) repo = opts.repo or tag = opts.tag or git_get_tag(opts.path, rev) url = opts.url or get_git_remote_url(opts.path) primary_repo = dict( name=repo, branch=branch, # TODO: support ref ref=None, tag=tag, rev=rev, shortRev=short_rev, remoteHttpUrl=url, ) return { "primaryRepo": primary_repo, **primary_repo, } def nix_command(*args: str) -> list[str]: return ["nix", "--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command flakes", *args] def effect_function(opts: EffectsOptions) -> str: args = effects_args(opts) rev = args["rev"] escaped_args = json.dumps(json.dumps(args)) url = json.dumps(f"git+file://{opts.path}?rev={rev}#") return f"""(((builtins.getFlake {url}).outputs.herculesCI (builtins.fromJSON {escaped_args})).onPush.default.outputs.hci-effects)""" def list_effects(opts: EffectsOptions) -> list[str]: cmd = nix_command( "eval", "--json", "--expr", f"builtins.attrNames {effect_function(opts)}", ) proc = run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return json.loads(proc.stdout) def instantiate_effects(opts: EffectsOptions) -> str: cmd = [ "nix-instantiate", "--expr", f"{effect_function(opts)}", ] proc = run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return proc.stdout.rstrip() def parse_derivation(path: str) -> dict[str, Any]: cmd = [ "nix", "--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command flakes", "derivation", "show", f"{path}^*", ] proc = run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return json.loads(proc.stdout) def env_args(env: dict[str, str]) -> list[str]: result = [] for k, v in env.items(): result.append("--setenv") result.append(f"{k}") result.append(f"{v}") return result @contextmanager def pipe() -> Iterator[tuple[IO[str], IO[str]]]: r, w = os.pipe() r_file = os.fdopen(r, "r") w_file = os.fdopen(w, "w") try: yield r_file, w_file finally: r_file.close() w_file.close() def run_effects( drv_path: str, drv: dict[str, Any], secrets: dict[str, Any] = {} ) -> None: builder = drv["builder"] args = drv["args"] sandboxed_cmd = [ builder, *args, ] env = {} env["IN_HERCULES_CI_EFFECT"] = "true" env["HERCULES_CI_SECRETS_JSON"] = "/run/secrets.json" env["NIX_BUILD_TOP"] = "/build" bwrap = shutil.which("bwrap") if bwrap is None: raise Exception("bwrap not found") bubblewrap_cmd = [ "nix", "develop", "-i", f"{drv_path}^*", "-c", bwrap, "--unshare-all", "--share-net", "--new-session", "--die-with-parent", "--dir", "/build", "--chdir", "/build", "--tmpfs", "/tmp", "--tmpfs", "/build", "--proc", "/proc", "--dev", "/dev", "--ro-bind", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf", "--ro-bind", "/etc/hosts", "/etc/hosts", "--ro-bind", "/nix/store", "/nix/store", ] with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: secrets = secrets.copy() secrets["hercules-ci"] = {"data": {"token": "dummy"}} tmp.write(json.dumps(secrets).encode()) bubblewrap_cmd.extend( [ "--ro-bind",, "/run/secrets.json", ] ) bubblewrap_cmd.extend(env_args(env)) bubblewrap_cmd.append("--") bubblewrap_cmd.extend(sandboxed_cmd) with pipe() as (r_file, w_file): print("$", shlex.join(bubblewrap_cmd), file=sys.stderr) proc = subprocess.Popen( bubblewrap_cmd, text=True, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=w_file, stderr=w_file, ) w_file.close() with proc: for line in r_file: print(line, end="") proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f"command failed with exit code {proc.returncode}")