2024-05-13 11:34:52 -04:00

309 lines
13 KiB

# texlive package set
, bin
, lib
, buildEnv
, libfaketime
, makeFontsConf
, makeWrapper
, runCommand
, writeShellScript
, writeText
, toTLPkgSets
, bash
, perl
# common runtime dependencies
, coreutils
, gawk
, gnugrep
, gnused
, ghostscript
lib.fix (self: {
withDocs ? false
, withSources ? false
, requiredTeXPackages ? ps: [ ps.scheme-infraonly ]
### texlive.combine backward compatibility
, __extraName ? "combined"
, __extraVersion ? ""
# emulate the old texlive.combine (e.g. add man pages to main output)
, __combine ? false
# adjust behavior further if called from the texlive.combine wrapper
, __fromCombineWrapper ? false
### buildEnv with custom attributes
buildEnv' = args: (buildEnv
({ inherit (args) name paths; })
// lib.optionalAttrs (args ? extraOutputsToInstall) { inherit (args) extraOutputsToInstall; })
.overrideAttrs (removeAttrs args [ "extraOutputsToInstall" "name" "paths" "pkgs" ]);
### texlive.combine backward compatibility
# if necessary, convert old style { pkgs = [ ... ]; } packages to attribute sets
isOldPkgList = p: ! p.outputSpecified or false && p ? pkgs && builtins.all (p: p ? tlType) p.pkgs;
ensurePkgSets = ps: if ! __fromCombineWrapper && builtins.any isOldPkgList ps
then let oldPkgLists = builtins.partition isOldPkgList ps;
in oldPkgLists.wrong ++ lib.concatMap toTLPkgSets oldPkgLists.right
else ps;
pkgList = rec {
# resolve dependencies of the packages that affect the runtime
all =
# order of packages is irrelevant
packages = builtins.sort (a: b: a.pname < b.pname) (ensurePkgSets (requiredTeXPackages tl));
runtime = builtins.partition
(p: p.outputSpecified or false -> builtins.elem (p.tlOutputName or p.outputName) [ "out" "tex" "tlpkg" ])
keySet = p: {
key = (( or "${p.pname}-${p.version}") + "-" + p.tlOutputName or p.outputName or "");
inherit p;
tlDeps = if p ? tlDeps then ensurePkgSets p.tlDeps else (p.requiredTeXPackages or (_: [ ]) tl);
# texlive.combine: the wrapper already resolves all dependencies
if __fromCombineWrapper then requiredTeXPackages null else
builtins.catAttrs "p" (builtins.genericClosure {
startSet = map keySet runtime.right;
operator = p: map keySet p.tlDeps;
}) ++ runtime.wrong;
# group the specified outputs
specified = builtins.partition (p: p.outputSpecified or false) all;
specifiedOutputs = lib.groupBy (p: p.tlOutputName or p.outputName) specified.right;
otherOutputNames = builtins.catAttrs "key" (builtins.genericClosure {
startSet = map (key: { inherit key; }) (lib.concatLists (builtins.catAttrs "outputs" specified.wrong));
operator = _: [ ];
otherOutputs = lib.genAttrs otherOutputNames (n: builtins.catAttrs n specified.wrong);
outputsToInstall = builtins.catAttrs "key" (builtins.genericClosure {
startSet = map (key: { inherit key; })
([ "out" ] ++ lib.optional (otherOutputs ? man) "man"
++ lib.concatLists (builtins.catAttrs "outputsToInstall" (builtins.catAttrs "meta" specified.wrong)));
operator = _: [ ];
# split binary and tlpkg from tex, texdoc, texsource
bin = if __fromCombineWrapper
then builtins.filter (p: p.tlType == "bin") all # texlive.combine: legacy filter
else otherOutputs.out or [ ] ++ specifiedOutputs.out or [ ];
tlpkg = if __fromCombineWrapper
then builtins.filter (p: p.tlType == "tlpkg") all # texlive.combine: legacy filter
else otherOutputs.tlpkg or [ ] ++ specifiedOutputs.tlpkg or [ ];
nonbin = if __fromCombineWrapper then builtins.filter (p: p.tlType != "bin" && p.tlType != "tlpkg") all # texlive.combine: legacy filter
else (if __combine then # texlive.combine: emulate old input ordering to avoid rebuilds
lib.concatMap (p: lib.optional (p ? tex) p.tex
++ lib.optional ((withDocs || p ? man) && p ? texdoc) p.texdoc
++ lib.optional (withSources && p ? texsource) p.texsource) specified.wrong
else otherOutputs.tex or [ ]
++ lib.optionals withDocs (otherOutputs.texdoc or [ ])
++ lib.optionals withSources (otherOutputs.texsource or [ ]))
++ specifiedOutputs.tex or [ ] ++ specifiedOutputs.texdoc or [ ] ++ specifiedOutputs.texsource or [ ];
# outputs that do not become part of the environment
nonEnvOutputs = lib.subtractLists [ "out" "tex" "texdoc" "texsource" "tlpkg" ] otherOutputNames;
# packages that contribute to config files and formats
fontMaps = lib.filter (p: p ? fontMaps && (p.tlOutputName or p.outputName == "tex")) nonbin;
sortedFontMaps = builtins.sort (a: b: a.pname < b.pname) fontMaps;
hyphenPatterns = lib.filter (p: p ? hyphenPatterns && (p.tlOutputName or p.outputName == "tex")) nonbin;
sortedHyphenPatterns = builtins.sort (a: b: a.pname < b.pname) hyphenPatterns;
formatPkgs = lib.filter (p: p ? formats && (p.outputSpecified or false -> p.tlOutputName or p.outputName == "tex") && builtins.any (f: f.enabled or true) p.formats) all;
sortedFormatPkgs = builtins.sort (a: b: a.pname < b.pname) formatPkgs;
# list generated by inspecting `grep -IR '\([^a-zA-Z]\|^\)gs\( \|$\|"\)' "$TEXMFDIST"/scripts`
# and `grep -IR rungs "$TEXMFDIST"`
# and ignoring luatex, perl, and shell scripts (those must be patched using postFixup)
needsGhostscript = lib.any (p: lib.elem p.pname [ "context" "dvipdfmx" "latex-papersize" "lyluatex" ]) pkgList.bin;
name = if __combine then "texlive-${__extraName}-${bin.texliveYear}${__extraVersion}" # texlive.combine: old name name
else "texlive-${bin.texliveYear}-env";
texmfdist = buildEnv' {
name = "${name}-texmfdist";
# remove fake derivations (without 'outPath') to avoid undesired build dependencies
paths = builtins.catAttrs "outPath" pkgList.nonbin;
# mktexlsr
nativeBuildInputs = [ tl."texlive.infra" ];
postBuild = # generate ls-R database
mktexlsr "$out"
tlpkg = buildEnv {
name = "${name}-tlpkg";
# remove fake derivations (without 'outPath') to avoid undesired build dependencies
paths = builtins.catAttrs "outPath" pkgList.tlpkg;
# the 'non-relocated' packages must live in $TEXMFROOT/texmf-dist
# and sometimes look into $TEXMFROOT/tlpkg (notably fmtutil, updmap look for perl modules in both)
texmfroot = runCommand "${name}-texmfroot" {
inherit texmfdist tlpkg;
} ''
mkdir -p "$out"
ln -s "$texmfdist" "$out"/texmf-dist
ln -s "$tlpkg" "$out"/tlpkg
# texlive.combine: expose info and man pages in usual /share/{info,man} location
doc = buildEnv {
name = "${name}-doc";
paths = [ (texmfdist.outPath + "/doc") ];
extraPrefix = "/share";
pathsToLink = [
meta = {
description = "TeX Live environment"
+ lib.optionalString withDocs " with documentation"
+ lib.optionalString (withDocs && withSources) " and"
+ lib.optionalString withSources " with sources";
platforms = lib.platforms.all;
longDescription = "Contains the following packages and their transitive dependencies:\n - "
+ lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n - "
(p: p.pname + (lib.optionalString (p.outputSpecified or false) " (${p.tlOutputName or p.outputName})"))
(requiredTeXPackages tl);
# other outputs
nonEnvOutputs = lib.genAttrs pkgList.nonEnvOutputs (outName: buildEnv' {
inherit name;
outputs = [ outName ];
paths = builtins.catAttrs "outPath"
(pkgList.otherOutputs.${outName} or [ ] ++ pkgList.specifiedOutputs.${outName} or [ ]);
# force the output to be ${outName} or nix-env will not work
nativeBuildInputs = [ (writeShellScript "" ''
export out="''${${outName}-}"
'') ];
inherit meta passthru;
passthru = {
# This is set primarily to help find-tarballs.nix to do its job
requiredTeXPackages = builtins.filter lib.isDerivation (pkgList.bin ++ pkgList.nonbin
++ lib.optionals (! __fromCombineWrapper)
(lib.concatMap (n: (pkgList.otherOutputs.${n} or [ ] ++ pkgList.specifiedOutputs.${n} or [ ]))) pkgList.nonEnvOutputs);
# useful for inclusion in the `fonts.packages` nixos option or for use in devshells
fonts = "${texmfroot}/texmf-dist/fonts";
# support variants attrs, (prev: attrs)
__overrideTeXConfig = newArgs:
let appliedArgs = if builtins.isFunction newArgs then newArgs args else newArgs; in
self (args // { __fromCombineWrapper = false; } // appliedArgs);
withPackages = reqs: self (args // { requiredTeXPackages = ps: requiredTeXPackages ps ++ reqs ps; __fromCombineWrapper = false; });
# TeXLive::TLOBJ::fmtutil_cnf_lines
fmtutilLine = { name, engine, enabled ? true, patterns ? [ "-" ], options ? "", ... }:
lib.optionalString (! enabled) "#! " + "${name} ${engine} ${lib.concatStringsSep "," patterns} ${options}";
fmtutilLines = { pname, formats, ...}:
[ "#" "# from ${pname}:" ] ++ map fmtutilLine formats;
# TeXLive::TLOBJ::language_dat_lines
langDatLine = { name, file, synonyms ? [ ], ... }:
[ "${name} ${file}" ] ++ map (s: "=" + s) synonyms;
langDatLines = { pname, hyphenPatterns, ... }:
[ "% from ${pname}:" ] ++ builtins.concatMap langDatLine hyphenPatterns;
# TeXLive::TLOBJ::language_def_lines
# see TeXLive::TLUtils::parse_AddHyphen_line for default values
langDefLine = { name, file, lefthyphenmin ? "", righthyphenmin ? "", synonyms ? [ ], ... }:
map (n: "\\addlanguage{${n}}{${file}}{}{${if lefthyphenmin == "" then "2" else lefthyphenmin}}{${if righthyphenmin == "" then "3" else righthyphenmin}}")
([ name ] ++ synonyms);
langDefLines = { pname, hyphenPatterns, ... }:
[ "% from ${pname}:" ] ++ builtins.concatMap langDefLine hyphenPatterns;
# TeXLive::TLOBJ::language_lua_lines
# see TeXLive::TLUtils::parse_AddHyphen_line for default values
langLuaLine = { name, file, lefthyphenmin ? "", righthyphenmin ? "", synonyms ? [ ], ... }@args: ''
''\t['${name}'] = {
''\t''\tloader = '${file}',
''\t''\tlefthyphenmin = ${if lefthyphenmin == "" then "2" else lefthyphenmin},
''\t''\trighthyphenmin = ${if righthyphenmin == "" then "3" else righthyphenmin},
''\t''\tsynonyms = { ${lib.concatStringsSep ", " (map (s: "'${s}'") synonyms)} },
+ lib.optionalString (args ? file_patterns) "\t\tpatterns = '${args.file_patterns}',\n"
+ lib.optionalString (args ? file_exceptions) "\t\thyphenation = '${args.file_exceptions}',\n"
+ lib.optionalString (args ? luaspecial) "\t\tspecial = '${args.luaspecial}',\n"
+ "\t},";
langLuaLines = { pname, hyphenPatterns, ... }:
[ "-- from ${pname}:" ] ++ map langLuaLine hyphenPatterns;
assembleConfigLines = f: packages:
builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.concatMap f packages);
updmapLines = { pname, fontMaps, ...}:
[ "# from ${pname}:" ] ++ fontMaps;
out =
# no indent for git diff purposes
buildEnv' {
inherit name;
# use attrNames, attrValues to ensure the two lists are sorted in the same way
outputs = [ "out" ] ++ lib.optionals (! __combine) (builtins.attrNames nonEnvOutputs);
otherOutputs = lib.optionals (! __combine) (builtins.attrValues nonEnvOutputs);
# remove fake derivations (without 'outPath') to avoid undesired build dependencies
paths = builtins.catAttrs "outPath" pkgList.bin
++ lib.optional __combine doc;
pathsToLink = [
"/bin" # ensure these are writeable directories
nativeBuildInputs = [
tl."texlive.infra" # mktexlsr
tl.texlive-scripts # fmtutil, updmap
tl.texlive-scripts-extra # texlinks
buildInputs = [ coreutils gawk gnugrep gnused ] ++ lib.optional needsGhostscript ghostscript;
inherit meta passthru;
inherit texmfdist texmfroot;
fontconfigFile = makeFontsConf { fontDirectories = [ "${texmfroot}/texmf-dist/fonts" ]; };
fmtutilCnf = assembleConfigLines fmtutilLines pkgList.sortedFormatPkgs;
updmapCfg = assembleConfigLines updmapLines pkgList.sortedFontMaps;
languageDat = assembleConfigLines langDatLines pkgList.sortedHyphenPatterns;
languageDef = assembleConfigLines langDefLines pkgList.sortedHyphenPatterns;
languageLua = assembleConfigLines langLuaLines pkgList.sortedHyphenPatterns;
postactionScripts = builtins.catAttrs "postactionScript" pkgList.tlpkg;
postBuild = ''
. "${./}"
# outputsToInstall must be set *after* overrideAttrs (used in buildEnv') or it fails the checkMeta tests
in if __combine then out else lib.addMetaAttrs { inherit (pkgList) outputsToInstall; } out)